The Dreyfus Massacre

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The sound of Julies frantic footsteps barging into the house was enough to worry me.

In Yiddish the dark haired woman said in a quite yelling tone "The Germans are here." Seeing the shocked expressions on each of the Dreyfus family sent my frantic mind into overdrive

"Maryna, the Germans are here." Julie repeated, this time in my native Polish so that I can understand the situation at hand. My face soon matched each of the faces the Dreyfus's expressed. I slowly back up into the corner of the house that was away from the Dreyfus family and with baited breath waiting for the entrance of the Germans.

As the door opens I hear the sound of two pairs of footsteps entering the house. Looking through the wooden floorboards under the house I see a older man greet each of the sisters and wait for a glass of milk. after a short period of time LaPadite sits down with the older man and they start talking.

LaPadite instructs Charlotte, a gingered haired woman to excuse her and her sisters outside so he and the Colonel can have a few words in private. The two men above me no longer speak in French and switch to what I believe to be English.

"Are you aware of the job i have been ordered to carry out in France?" The older man asks, in almost a joyous tone that makes me sick to the bottom of my stomach.

"Yes." LaPadite says in a monotone voice, clearly knowing the power that this one man possesses and the damage that he has left behind him.

"Please, tell me what you have heard?" The old man asks in a tone that if full of excitement, wanting LaPadite to state the obvious.

"I have heard, that you are in charge of rounding up the jews that are left in France." LaPadite says in a still unamused, almost worried voice that the Colonel can see right though. LaPadite speaks again as the Colonel pulls out a bag containing papers. "What is the point of this visit? Pleasant as it is, the Germans looked through my house nine months ago and found nothing."

"I just have a few questions Mr. LaPadite. If you can assist me with answers, my department can close the file on your family." LaPadite gives a small nod, insisting for the Colonel to begin asking the questions.

The Colonel asks LaPadite about the Jewish family's that had lived in the area before the invasion of France, reading off a list of each of their names. "Ah, l see now that there was a Polish jew that was here as well." The Colonel said. "Ms. Maryna Wieczmarek, is that that correct?" Lapadite nods.

"You would be correct on that Colonel." Lapadite said, his voice breaking as the conversation had carried on.

"It appears to me that all of the families have been accounted for, minus the Dreyfus family and Ms. Wieczmarek." The Colonel states, LaPadite simply nods, "This makes me think that they simply vanished, or that someone has been hiding them very successfully." Colonel says, staring deep into the eyes of LaPadite who was now lighting his pipe.

"Now this may be a rumor, but we have heard that the Dreyfus family has made their way to Spain. We do not know about Ms. Wieczmarek." LaPadite lied, straight to the face of the Colonel.

"It appears that is all the questions I have, however, before I leave may I have another glass of your delicious milk?" The Colonel asks, as he stands up and packs his bag that has everything that was previously said.

"Of course" LaPadite says, also standing up to fetch the Colonel another glass of milk. As LaPadite finishes pouring the glass of milk, the Colonel asks him a question.

"Are you aware of what the people of France have been calling me?" The Colonel asks with his head help up high taking pride in his name.

"I have no interest," LaPadite responds, the Colonel's ego clearly taking a blow from those words. "But I am aware that they call you the 'Jew Hunter'." This did bring a smile back onto the smug face of the Colonel.

After the Colonel and LaPadite exchange a few more words, the Colonel finally breaks him. Making the deal that LaPadite and his family will no longer be harassed in any way by the German military while they are still occupying France. The Colonel asks LaPadite to point out where under the floorboards we are being hidden. A tear stricken LaPadite does as he is told and points out the locations of the hiding Dreyfus family, but Ms. Wieczmarek is on the other side of the house. Colonel gets up and walks to where Lapadite had pointed out to gets conformation on that's where we were hiding. The Colonel speaks again in French to not be suspicious.

"Mr. Lapadite, thank you for your milk... and your hospitality. I do believe here that our business is done." He calls for the ladies in French, but instead three armed German soldiers walk into the house standing above where the Colonel told them to, ready to mow down everything below them. "And with that Monsier, Mademoiselle. I bid you a farewell and say... adieu."

And within a fraction of a second the German soldiers spray their bullets through the wooden floor of LaPadite's house, killing anyone that they come into contact with. I watch with tears streaming down my face as I watch the blood fly out of the bodies of the Dreyfus family. When the bullets stop I cover both my mouth and my nose too scared that if I make the littlest noise I will give away my location. To my awe, I see Shosanna is still moving and alive. She giving me a knowing look, obvious that she is going to attempt to make a run for it. I silently plead with her not to make a mistake like that, but she doesn't listen. She kicks a hole from the side of the house and she was off running in a direction that I knew she wouldn't know where it's taking her. As she is a far distance away the Colonel holds up a gun to shoot Shosanna in the back for whatever reason he doesn't take the shot.

"Oops" is all the Colonel can say, he must have a reason for not killing her while he knows he can. After about thirty minutes without getting the bodies and leaving me with a awful sight to see the Colonel along with his men drive away. After five more minutes I crawl out of the hole that Shosanna made and am met with LaPadite standing five feet away with a look of shock on his face, not expecting to see me alive. I get on my knees and start begging in Polish for him to let me live.

"Proszę zlituj się nade mną!" I plead sobbing, not even having the guts to look him in his face.

"Go Maryna" is all he can say, clearly feeling guilty being the sole reason for the deaths of the Dreyfus family. I don't hesitate for any second, running the same way Shosanna did also not knowing where it will take me. With blood stained on my clothing and my skin, and tears streaming down my face, I run as a broken woman knowing that I will never be the same again.

A/N: Hello amazing people!! This is my first ever book and that means that this is my first ever chapter! I'm sorry if there was a lot of quotes and the next chapter will be much more in first person.

Relentless Executioners// Inglorious Basterds Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz