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so this it huh, never thought I'd end up in hell when I died. I mean I did some bad things in my life but who hasn't. me I'm Allen Clarkson a 24 year old man who ended up at the wrong place at the wrong time. I caught a bullet to the skull when a guy with a gun decided to start shooting people. that's why I'm currently sitting here in hell, though hell looked a lot different than what I thought it did. I was expecting fire, screams, and eternal suffering. Instead I'm sitting on a chair in what looks like an office. as I'm sitting here I start to wonder what's going

 on and right as I got done asking that question in head head a huge burst of flames erupted from behind the desk I am siting in front of. as the flames dispersed I saw what I'm guessing is the devil although he wasn't what I was expecting him to look like. instead of the red skin, goat legs, and hooves he look like a mix of Hugh Jackman and Tom cruise. The only reason I thought he was the devil was the horns sticking out of his head, the horns reminded me of long horn cattle horns. It was the horns and his wings which looked like white angel wings except for the end of the feathers looked charred and burned. Hello Allen he spoke his sounded deep, deep enough to rival Sam Elliot and Morgan Freeman put together. now I understand you might be confused as to why your not suffering eternal torture right now correct? I nodded my head unable to verbally respond to him. I was still surprised and shocked at the fact the devil showed up and started talking in a voice that was intimidating to say the least. he spoke up breaking me from my shock well the reason you not suffering right now is because I have a deal for you he said a smirk starting to appear on his face. I became cautious and finally spoke to him asking what was the deal he had for me. simple you shall have anything your precious little heart desires and in return you become my personal soul reaper harvesting the damned and evil souls up on earth. I slightly reeled back stunned at what he was offering and I guessed he must of noticed it because his deep voice interrupted my shock. I'm offering you a deal you can't refuse kid  I already have your soul so there is nothing I can take from you that I don't already have he stated seemingly annoyed I didn't out right accept his deal immediately. I thought about it and what do I have to lose so I put my hand out to shake his hand. The devil shook my hand a tooth showing smile on his face excellent he stated. when I was done shaking his hand two puffs of fire appeared one in each hand. after the fire disappeared in one of his hands was a contract and in his other hand a pen. The devil put the contract on the desk stating that this contract would quote "seal the deal". he handed me the pen and set the contract on the desk for me to sign but before I could sign it he stopped me saying that normal ink wouldn't suffice. I knew what he meant so I took the pen and stabbed my thumb with the pen drawing blood and dabbing the pen in the blood. with the now blood inked pen I signed my name sealing the deal that would change my after life forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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