Chapter 1

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Gun's POV

Frequently waking up with heavy breaths and drenched in sweat has become a regular occurrence for me ever since I started high school.

I rub my neck as still feel those things  buried in my neck

"That dream again" I whisper while calming myself and looking around. Realizing where I am, I sigh and lay down again for couple of minutes before i stand up.

Thinking those dream, i really don't understand those, dream. it's always a same dream, but the I feel different everytime

I started get those dream, when i starting attending middle school. At first I feel scared it's like a repeated films, and because i don't really have some to tell about, I keep to myself.   

My aunt doesn't know about it, because when i move to live with her, my dream stop coming, so I really don't have a reason to tell her.

However, when I move to city to attend university, that the also the time those dream comeback.

I do a last sigh before I push myself off the bed and make breakfast, good thing my dream wakes me early.

But when I open the fridge, I roll my eyes as I remember I have nothing in it except a bottle of water. I mentally facepalm and close the fridge.

I grab my phone and wallet to go down to go to the nearest convenience store to do a small grocery.

While waiting at the front of the elevator, the couple that lives beside my room arrives, bickering into something, I don't really care, but they pushing each other like the first time I met the couple.

"Ow Nong Gun, good morning" The oldest of the couple P' Tay greet me like he the first time we meet.

"Good morning, P' Tay, P' New" I greet them with a wai(formal greeting in Thai) for respect.

"Good morning to you too Nong" P' New greets me back together with P' Tay.

"Coming down to get breakfast?" P'New asks as I nod with a smile. And when the the elevator opens the three of us ride the elevator.

The couple stands at my back while I'm standing in front of them, us I looking down to my phone.

The three of us silently waited until we reached the ground floor.

But a silence between the three of us made me curious to the couple behind me, and when I looked up I saw them hugging each other from the reflation of the elevator door. Seriously?

P' New pushed P' Tay a little when he notice me that made me look back at my phone. As I pulled up my shirt to cover my shoulder

When the elevator door opens in the lobby, I say goodbye to the couple and go to the nearest 7/11. I didn't stay long on 7/11 and immediately went back to my unit after I bought everything I needed. And made an easy bite breakfast before I got to the shower.

After a couple of minutes, I found myself standing in front of the mirror looking at the two red birthmark dots on my neck. Looking at it as I notice it's become redder in the past years and starting to become noticeable.

My auntie said it was normal cause the birthmark was placed where my veins at the neck were located.

I sigh as I wear my university uniform fix my hair and tai and wear my backpack.

I grabbed the remaining breakfast I made and gave the last check to my room before I locked the door and walked into the same hallway I walked earlier to get in the elevator.

I was alone riding the elevator,  But being alone made me scared because I felt like some looking at me when I was the only one inside the elevator.

But that's not what I felt. I felt there was someone beside me at the elevator, so when the door opened, I quickly stepped out, not minding other people coming side the elevator, I almost run to reach the bust stop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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