The song of the wolves

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The moon hangs sad upon the night sky
It drives the wolves down mad
They howl and cry to make their voice
reach him and make him glad

"He needs to know that we are here
and here we are to stay!
Till he does smile from ear to ear
we'll howl to woo his way.

Some say his ways are far apart
from those of nature born.
While others have their grace ingrained,
He borrows his from morn'.

His light is not even his
We don't know why he hides,
behind the clouds that glow like pearls
of various shape and size.

By the moon! The light does help,
Even if it is not his?
It guides and keeps us on our paths
He receives, and gives and gives.

We love the days when he is whole
Glad we howl at peace.
Till piece by piece he sheds himself
and no one his light receives.

Ah! his light was sweet and we
In darkness nowhere bound,
Sing and cry for the moon to rise
and show our ways around.

When men ride merry upon their ways
Glad they can't be seen!
Our twinkling eyes that gaze the sky
pray for our love's blue streak.

And we will howl till he does not give
what he has received,
Till he would smile from ear to ear
our singing shall repeat."

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