Halloween Special

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Y/N had been with the Winchesters long enough to know the rules around holidays. Dean more than welcomed the yearly events and would always find ways to mention them and celebrate them in any manner possible. Sam on the other hand, though admittedly happy to see his brother in such an upbeat mood, hated holidays. Whether they be Christmas or Halloween, New Year, or Easter, Sam was last to participate in the celebration. His reason being he didn't want to look forwards to something that may not happen, an event that is to be celebrated with friends and family while their friends and family had all passed away. A reasonable excuse though npot enough for Dean to give him a break.

All the while, Y/N would get lost in Dean's energetic holiday personality, enjoying the time of year herself as much as possible. In the end, what would occur more often than not on holidays was a drink at a bar decorated appropriately for the time of year. This year was no different as of yet. The closer Halloween came to be, the more excited Dean had become and the more closed off and short-tempered — at least around the subject — Sam had gotten.

The trio had finished off a hunt, a day before Halloween, and made their way to a bar to top off the night. The drive was only five or six minutes, highway ad signs blemishing the view of the otherwise empty countryside, a gentle golden light feathering through the seemingly glowing grass as the sun made its way to wake people up on the other side of the planet. Dean watches her in the rear-view mirror. Y/N admires her surrounding for the back of Baby, only breaking eye contact with the word when she felt the car sway to the right as Dean pulled over into a parking lot. The three of them made their way inside, Sam on his phone looking into the local news, Dean gleaming at the sight of decorations, nudging Y/N to look at things he'd spotted.

Waitresses dressed in skimpy costumes, fake cobwebs on the walls and ceiling littered with plastic spiders and leaves, the specials for the week were found on the chalkboard at the entrance and again behind the bar, drawings of skeleton hands pointing to individual drinks. The bar was as crowded as to be expected considering it was a Friday night and only a day away from Halloween. Groups of girls in their sexy nurse and sexy pirate costumes huddled together eyeing the brothers, whispering and giggling. Sam ignored his surroundings making his way to the bar and ordering a beer while Dean wore a grin as he looked around at the people and decorations. Y/N stood next to him, hands in her jacket pockets, taking in the atmosphere for herself, appreciating the light mood that came with good company. Dean lifted his arm, draping it over her shoulder and pulling her against his side. The girls that had been attentively watching the eldest Winchester rolled their eyes and turned back toward the entrance in hopes of spotting the next charming guest the bar would welcome that night. Y/N looked up to the ridiculous grin the hunter wore as he took in his surroundings, shaking her head with a light chuckle.

"You're such a goon. Come on." She moved one hand from her jacket pockets to his back giving him a gentle pat before leading him to the bar. Dean was in no way going to let his brother's bad mood dampen his own, instead, trying to cheer him up. They sat on the tall stool, beers in hand as Dean nodded to Sam with his drink then back towards the girls who had reverted their gaze back towards the Winchesters.

"Sam, look up from your phone man, look at all these hot chicks trying to get your attention. You should go talk to 'em. They've had their eyes on you since you walked in here and you can't even make eye contact. Shameful." He teased as he sipped his beer.

"If they're so hot then why don't you go talk to them." Sam's voice was monotone his eyes focus on the glowing device in his hand.

"Nah, see I'm already in a good mood. I got everything I need, my beer, a hunt gone well, and my very favourite girl by my side the day before Halloween." He slid his arm over Y/Ns shoulders again shaking her a little, reinforcing his words. "See you, my Sammy, have that phone. Come on man it's not even Halloween yet and you're already bumming me out. I mean look at Y/N! You're killing the vibe dude."

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