"We should get you home ma'am before something happens and we can't get you off that dance floor over there. What do you say Sammy you done for the night, get this one back to the motel?" Dean gestured at the girl who was resting her head on his shoulder, eyes half-closed, and a silly smile on her face.

"Yeah sounds good Dean. You go ahead walk her back I'll get the bill, don't bother waiting up 'kay"

Sam raised his eyebrows at his brother nodding towards the waitress that had been eying him up all night.

"Sammy, you sly dog, go get her." And so, he did. With Sam gone Dean helped Y/N scooch out of the booth and then so followed. He took her hand as they walked to the exit. Dean would still get butterflies in his stomach every time she'd interlace her fingers with his. He had never thought of himself as the boyfriend type but with Y/N he loved it. Loved the early morning wake up kisses and long cuddle she'd practically forced him into. Now he was the one to initiate intimacy like hand holding or hugging. She'd softened him up and he liked who he was around her.

"Dean, wait." She'd stopped in the middle of her tracks still holding his hand, jerking him back a little due to the inertia.

"What's up, baby."

"I gotta pee." She was pouting. Clearly intoxicated and evidently tired she stood there waiting for him to say something.

"Go to the washroom then, I'll wait for you outside okay." He pulled her closer kissing her forehead before continuing. "You gonna be okay by yourself." She nodded and began walking away. Dean watched for her until she entered the washroom and then went outside to wait for her like he said he would. It only took her three or so minutes to make her way back outside. Stumbling out the door she smiled when she spotted him.

"Wow there, girly!" She chuckled as he steadied her with his hands on her hips. "Better?" She nodded "How much did you drink?"

"Oh, hush I had way more than you, and I doing pretty darn well." She looked at him imitating a serious look. He saw right through her.

"Come here"

"What for." she resisted jokingly.

"Piggyback ride." He smiled reaching out to her.

"I'm heavier than I look."

"I'm stronger than I look."

She wrapped her arms around his neck looking him in the eye as his arms wrapped around her waist. Sliding her hands along his shoulders as she made her way behind him, she stoped with a hand on each shoulder.

"Ready?" she asked.


She squealed as she jumped up onto his back holding on tightly to his shoulders.

"Well hop on already!"

"I did silly!" She laughed.

"Oh, really!? Wow, light as a feather I didn't even notice." He smiled back at her. She dropped her chin onto his shoulder and placed a kiss in the crook of his neck.

"I love you." She said just above a whisper as she closed her eyes, reaching down over his chest she held on tightly. This was the first time Dean was hearing those words coming from her. He smiled to himself and walked as his heart raced from her words. She had no idea the effect they had had on him. It took him a moment to collect himself and take in what she had said.

"Hey, baby?"

"Mmm," she hummed, a satisfied smile on her lips.

"I love you back."

Dean walked her back to the motel room though she was half asleep, and plunked her on their bed once inside. He took off her boots and his own, followed by jackets and jeans. He folded them all neatly on the T.V. stand and made his way back over to her, bring with him a bottle of water. All he had to do was put in in her hand and tell her to drink it for her to instinctively sit up and sip the cold water. He watched her as she pulled off her t-shirt looking around for her clean one. Dean sat watching from the chair next to the T.V. stand at the foot of the bed. He leaned over the side of the chair to grab her PJ shirt from the bag next to him and throw it at her hitting her right in the face making her giggle. She slipped it on over her head and slumped back down in bed only to sit up moments later to unfasten her bra under her shirt, pulling it out from underneath and throwing it back at Dean who had been watching her the whole time whilst sipping at his own bottled water. She dropped back down in the bed and stayed there for a couple of minutes while Dean brushed his teeth.

"Dean. Why aren't you in bed yet? I can't sleep if you're not in bed." Dean looked himself in the mirror smiling profusely at himself. He made his way to their bed snaking in under the blankets, feeling the heat of her body radiate throughout the sheets.

"There you are." She reached for him finding him bare-chested with only his pants. "I missed you."

"You missed me? Well, fancy that I missed you too." He was kissing her all over to emphasize his words and she giggled against his chest tickling him with her breath. Once they'd settled down Dean shut off the lights, the room now only being lit by what street lamps and moonlight strutted in through the curtains.

"You know I meant it when I said 'I love you' right Dean?"

"Yeah baby, I knew... You know I meant it when I said 'I love you back' right."

"Yeah, I knew."

With that and a kiss left on Y/Ns forehead before both drifted off to sleep.

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