Chapter 8: Helping?

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"This can't be good! No no", Quint said freaking out. Me and Jack had gone searching for clues about the break in yesterday. "We are still not sure if it was the same person!", I said trying to calm him down. It could have been anything, but the real question was, what were they looking for? Quint was walking around the room really tense. Dirk was still sitting on the couch eating and Jack was just looking out the window. I went up to him and asked, "Dude! You ok?". "Yeah, I'm fine.. It's just that we just defeated King Wretch and when I finally thought everything was going to be fine and we could just have fun, and then this happened", he said. "Yeah! Well it's the end of the world, so you can't actually expect to have fun, but we could go on another quest", I said trying to cheer him up. He just left without saying anything.


I just needed some fresh air and some alone time, so I left for a walk. When I was young, I used to think about happy things to keep my mind of the bad stuff. Quint and I had been friends from kindergarten. We had done everything together. And even though, I just met Dirk, he is soft hearted. And June is so brave, and I would totally ask her to be my girlfriend, but I don't even know if she likes me, but now I have made up my mind. I am going to ask her out TODAY. Just when I was about to turn around to go back, I heard some rustling. I figured it must have been the wind, but then I heard a voice, "Jack Sullivan, I need your help". I turned around, I saw the same person/monster thing looking down at me. "You and your friends can help me defeat Rezzoch and bring an end to the end of the world", he said and then vanished AGAIN. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT GUY? I didn't have time for all this. I thought about it as I went back.

**Author's Note**

Sorry for the small chapter! I'm trying to write more often.. Thanks for all the comments on the previous chapters. 

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