With you

79 13 6

I trace patterns in the night sky

and attempt to make sense about

why life decided to lead me

into this accursed nameless maze

without handing me a beacon

or a companion seeking for

a way out of its bushy walls...

I thrive hard to be victorious

but no flowers would ever bloom

or trees whisper my tuneless name

because I hear them mocking me

and anticipating my fall

in the hedges adorned with thorns

ready to paint my skin crimson

and adorn it with withered leaves...

How can I escape this cursed maze

When you are not holding my hand

and your figure isn't beside me?

I guess the bittersweet thoughts of you

would have to suffice my yearning heart

so that I may break through these green walls

and accept your warm embrace

If you are there expecting my return

a shadow transformed into a butterfly

ready to fly and burn like the stars...

with you....

MT~ 23 1 2015

A/N: probably I will re-edit it...

(I'm trying something new... the last line will be the title from now, cause I seem to not be able to come up with the suitable title...)

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