Special 4

338 6 1

I saw the group walking into Oikawa's castle.

Me being me decided to do what I do best! Ruin their lives. Jk jk unless? Nah!

I quickly teleport in front of them. Causing them to stop abruptly.

"Didn't know you would actually convince them!" I said enthusiastically.

It was quite entertaining to see them actually succeeding. Usually the adventurers would be seduced by Atsumu and Osamu, then get killed by Sakusa and Suna. I guess this groups a different breed.

"We're you planning on us not making it?" Suga asked.

"Uh duh! That's my job!" I say, as I teleport in back of them.

They all turn around.

"But since you actually passed I'll just have to kill you myself!" I say excitedly.

"Now it has been a while since I've killed someone or something in centuries" I indicate.

No ones pov
Gisele's eyes gleamed a bright pink color. Meaning she was ready to kill them.

Iwaizumi quickly brought out his sword and so did Hinata.

The rest stepped back trying to to get hurt.

"Daichi! Go help them!" Sugawara said scolding her boyfriend for not helping the poor souls.

Nishinoya glared at Asahi his boyfriend as well.

The two men sigh and step up to fight.

"This will be fun!" Gisele says, as she was ready to attack she abruptly stopped.

All of them looked at her with confused and relieved looks.

"Hold up...what's today?" She asks them.

"It's November 12" Iwaizumi stated.

She looked to be thinking for a second and had a face of realization.

She immediately bows down and apologizes, she then looked back up at the group.

"Looks like my 500 year contract with shittykawa is done!" Gisele said excitedly.

"But I caaaann make another contract!" She said looking at the group.

"I can do servant, immortality, wishes but not with those genie rules, and etc!" She said making sure she didn't miss any important parts.

The looked at each other for a second and Daichi nodded. He then stepped cautiously closer to the witch.

"I'll make a contract with you, but what's the catch?" He asked.

She the laughed with a tear streaming down her face, "oh no I'm just bored being immortal and all, so it's free!" She said excitedly making a quil and scroll magically appear.

She shoved it into the mans arms and started squealing uncontrollably. The excitement bubbling in her.

"How long will this contract last?" Daichi asked while signing it.

"It'll last as much as you want it!" She said. "Also the affects and shit are forever lasting!" She added on.

Daichi nodded and handed the weird witch the scroll and quil.

She gladly took it and signed it herself. Causing a power of pink magic blast through the scroll, meaning the deal had been sealed.

"So what do you want first?" She asked her new 'friend'.


🤪💅I have class soon and this is all your getting! A cliffhanger and also Sakuatsu is OTP and bottom Atsumu is superior😍

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