Chapter 24 - Zaofu

Start from the beginning

"Fine. You got it, Chief Cranky pants," Korra said

Tea,m Avatar exits the ship meeting two guards and a man dressed in robes.

"Avatar Korra. It is an honor to meet you. My name is Aiwei."

"Thanks for having us," Korra said

"Is this everyone?" Aiwei asked

"Yup. Just us. So, can I meet the new airbender?" Korra asked

"Of course, right this way," Aiwei said

The group was taken to the heart of the city, riding on a tram. Both Bolin and Chai, looked the most excited as they had their faces basically pressed against the glass staring at the city. The tram passed by a tall statue depicting Toph, holding the symbol of Zaofu.

"That statue honors the first metal bender, Toph Beifong, who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of. Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his, or her, highest potential," Aiwei said

"Does Toph live here? Are we going to get to meet her?" Bolin asked excitedly.

"I'm afraid not," Aiwei said, causing Bolin's shoulders to drop. "She would visit from time to time, but years ago she left to wander the world, in search of enlightenment. No one has seen her since."

The team traveled to the city's edge arriving at the next compound. When the vehicle came to a stop everyone got out standing before a large mansion.

"Wow. Is this where the airbender lives?" Korra asked

"Yes. But first, her mother wants to meet you," Aiwei said

The man led them inside the grand mansion home escorting them into a dance hall. Inside there were several people using metalbending to perform an incredible acrobatic routine.

"Is this some kind of combat training?" Korra said

"They're dancing!" Chai said with stars in her eyes.

Aiwei nodded his head. "They are rehearsing for a dance premiere next month."

A woman with graying hair spotted the group behind her, and she clapped her hands grabbing the dancers' attention.

"That's it for today everyone."

"Allow me to introduce the matriarch of the Metal Clan, Suyin," Aiwei said

"Please call me Su. Great to finally meet you, Avatar Korra. Ah, and you've brought Princess Chai with you as well," Suyin said

Chai pointed at herself, "You know I'm a Princess?"

Suyin chuckled, "I actually met you when you were a baby. I knew your mother."

"Oh," Chai smiled softly.

Mako looked at the girl and saw the wistful look in her eyes.

"It's nice to meet you again. You've grown into such a fine lady and with a dragon I see. Your mother would be proud," Suyin said

"Thank you," Chai said with a smile

Suyin turned looking to the rest of the group. "And this must be Mako, Bolin, and Asami."

"You've done your research," Mako said

"I make it my business to know who's visiting my city," Suyin said

"Smart," Chai commented

"So, you're a dancer," Korra said

"Dancer. Leader. Wife. Mother. Collector of rare meteorites. You'll find people here have many skills and interests,'" Suyin said

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