American Idiot

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Okay, this is the second chapter...hope you'll like it :)

His eyes were so blue…so perfectly blue. The color of his iris was Egyptian blue, surrounded by circle of black, black like his pupils. I have never seen such gorgeous eyes.

»Yeah, ugh,« I coughed again, removing the last drops of water from my lungs »I'm fine.«

 I looked around. Everyone was staring at me. Logan, Mimi, Justin, Nate, even Tara. I mean the redheaded devil. Staring. Not helping. Not dragging me out of the water. Nope. I had to be saved by a complete stranger.

I looked at Mimi with hurt in my eyes and stood up. She was frozen in shock, her mouth hanging open.

»Wait!« The stranger raised his voice a bit, trying to warn me. »Don't get u…«

»I said I'm fine!« I screamed at him, ripping away from his hands. The truth is I wasn't fine. My stomach was doing jumping jacks, I wanted to throw up in the nearest bush.

I stared at Mimi again and said with pain in my voice: »Thanks.« I started walking away.

»Haven!« Yelled Mimi. I didn't hear her running after me. Some best friend she is.

I was cursing at myself, walking through town soaking wet, reeking of that disgusting river. God knows what kind of stuff is in there! Probably some sewerage waste, toxic waste, dead stuff waste. I was so pissed at myself, at Logan, at Mimi, at everyone! I growled and kicked the first thing I saw – a trash can. It flipped on it's side, scattering all the garbage over the street.

An old man narrowed his eyes at me with disapproval, shaking his head. »What?!« I yelled at him, walking away.

I was standing by the traffic light, waiting for it to turn green. People were staring at me like I'd just escaped from the loony-bean. Screw them. Suddenly I felt someone gripping my shoulder. It was Mimi.

»Man you're fast.« She said, trying to catch her breath.

»What do you want?« I shrugged off her hand.

»I'm sorry I…« She was still breathing heavily »I'm sorry I froze. I just thought…I thought you'll come to the surface, I mean it's not like you don't know how to swim.« She was apologizing and making excuses.

»What if I'd bumped my head?« I crossed my arms, giving her an accusing look.

»Well you didn't, did you?« She yelled at me. »What the hell were you doing anyway? You could just swim to the surface.« Her accusing eyes were full of questions.

»Ugh.« I grunted and turned away.

»Haven, look at me.« I just stood there, waiting for the light to turn green. »Haven, c'mmon, talk to me.« I didn't even so much as blink. »You're impossible.« She shook her head. »Anyway, here's the number from the guy that pulled you out, he said you should call if you feel like thanking him.« She was offering me a piece of paper, but I didn't't care for it. »You know Haven,« She put the paper in one of my pockets »sometimes you're a real pain in the ass.« She turned away, lighting a cigarette, walking back to the Beach. Like I care.

                                                *                                           *                                       *

When I came home the first thing I did was pouring myself a hot bath. I didn't care if it was summer, bubble baths were my thing.

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