"You don't get to yell at me! And no! Keep your hands off of me!" Asami snapped before she winced at the tension from Korra's grip. Asami placed a hand on the avatar's chest as she cried out, pushing her away again. Korra frowned more, wondering why Asami was dismissing her so much even though she was just trying to help "Asami! Why are you being so difficult?!"

"It hurts Korra!!" The tall girl cried out as she fought the avatar's strength.

"I know it does! That's why I'm trying to-!"

"No!!" Asami lifted her head and looked up at Korra as she fisted her shirt in her hand with tears and make up now streaming down her face "Everything hurts!"

The avatar looked down at Asami, quickly realizing that Asami was pulling away, because Korra was hurting her. Asami's skin had become over sensitive, and the slightest touch quickly turned into a splitting pain. Korra quickly let go of Asami, allowing her to sit back down on the bed. The tall girl panted as she hunched over the edge of the bed, digging her fingers into the side and grinding her teeth together.

Korra's never seen Asami like this, the look on her face... the pain.. the anguish. It was completely visible. You could see the fear in Asami's eyes, and Korra couldn't tell if Asami was scared of what might happen to her, or if she was just scarred of Korra herself. It honestly could be a mix of both. Either way, it made Korra feel horrible. For the first time in a long time, Korra didn't know what to do. Asami's skin had become over sensitive and her burns were bad. She knew she needed to help her, but how could she? Anything she would do right now would only put Asami in more pain.

"I... What do you want me to do Asami?! I can't help you from in here!" Korra said as she looked down at her girlfriend. The tall girl dropped her head against the avatar's stomach as she continued to cry "I-I don't know! Just make it stop hurting!"

Korra widened her eyes a bit and took a step back to balance herself as Asami's head fell to her stomach. Korra let out a shaky breath as she looked down at her girlfriend, not to sure what to do. After all, Korra's never seen Asami like this. Crying uncontrollably and not being able to handle oneself was normally Korra's thing. Asami on the other hand has always been able to contain her feelings in a professional manner, no matter who she was with.

The avatar let out a small sigh as she took another step back, finding a stronger stance before she lifted Asami away from her body "I'm gonna pick you up.. okay?" She said softly. The tall girl nodded as a response and stayed in the same position against Korra's hands, afraid that any kind of movement of her own would just make the pain worse.

Korra bit her lip as she stepped to Asami's side, carefully wrapping an arm behind her back and the other underneath her legs. Korra lifted Asami slowly into bridal style, holding her close to her body. The feeling of Korra's clothes rubbing against Asami's skin caused a irritating, burning sensation, making Asami cry out in pain.

"I'm sorry!" Korra exclaimed as she looked down at the tall girl worriedly. Asami groaned as she dropped her head against Korra's shoulder. Asami's weight was no where near close to being a problem for the avatar to handle, but she was definitely noticeably heavier in the moment. Asami didn't even respond to the avatar's apology, mostly because she couldn't. The avatar let out a short sigh before she quickly walked out of the bedroom with Asami's weak body in her arms.
Within minutes, Korra had brought Asami into the bathroom and set her down on the toilet to wait while she began to work. Asami watched the avatar carefully as she held her arm close to her body, trying to contain her cries and whimpers. It was hard for Asami to keep her focus, but she managed to keep her eyes on Korra as she kneeled over the steps that led to the bathtub, filling it with water and prepping it for her. Only the Sato Estate would ever need such an exquisite bathroom with marble steps for a bathtub. But just like everything else in the house, it was luxurious.

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