'No, she replied. Haven't heard or seen sign of him since you threw him out'

'Shall we notify the police? said his father

'Are you out of your mind?, she replied

'After what he wrote in the Bible about Judas? That blasphemous little bastard'

'Of course, my dear! What was I thinking?

Tommy thought then that his parents must be very worried about him. He was sure he had been reported as a missing person.

He would be found and brought home to his parents worried arms.

He would be as the prodigal son was. Tears would flow upon his return.

All this he thought and was disturbed then by a sound.

It came from the closet. It was a muted incomprehensible sound.

It made no sense. Like an animal.

'This it it!' said Tommy

'A test or a sign from God!'

Slowly and cautiously he opened the closet.

There was young Bastardo! His tongue had been cut out and the severed tongue lay nailed to the inside of the door.

Never again would he call I ho 'Father'

Bastardo lay whimpering and the unutterable sound started to grate on the crusader's nerves.

He looked at the ear of Bastardo. It was crumpled and cauliflowered.
Still the whimpering continued. Tommy started to get a headache so he planted a boot into Bastardo's ear and told him to shut up.

Then he closed the door just as Yu Yan walked in with his breakfast.

An interpreter was with her.

'My gracious guest 'Crusader'

'After your morning breakfast, our Lord I ho will greet you in his quarters'

'You have found favour with Lord I ho'

Then he was alone with his breakfast.

'God in heaven! he cried

'You are with your crusader!'

'You truly work in mysterious ways'

He offered his thanks to God and prayed for Bastardo

A whimper came from the closet then

'Shut the fuck up!' roared Tommy

He gave the door an unmerciful boot and Bastardo got the message.

All was quite again.

He savored his food and readied himself to meet I ho.

Bastardo wanted to cry out but feared for his life and the remnants of his only ear.

I ho stretched in his quarters then picked up his Samurai sword.

His attendant had forgotten to bow in his presence.

A severed head flew across the room. All those present immediately bowed for all they were worth

A chant filled the air

'Praise be to Lord I ho! and everyone bowed and kissed the floor

' I hope Lord I ho is a man of God' thought the Crusader

'Perhaps we can break bread together'

Chapter 6 ~~~~ On Guard ~~~~

Skinhead RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now