Darkness Shall Rise

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That video is the best I could get for this season, and if you have seen the show, we all know that Lloyd grows up in episode 18. I counted the episodes, just like the show does, and it is the fifth episode of season 2 but they say episode 18 instead.

Also, this chapter may be really short. Lloyd isn't really in this episode a lot, but don't worry! I have it covered...I think. Just please work with me on this, I am trying my best.

Anyways, hope you kittens enjoy season 2!


Your p.o.v

We were in Ninjago City. Lloyd and I were at a comic book store called Doomsday Comix, it looked amazing. "Hey (y/n)! Check this out!" Lloyd yelled.

I ran over to where he was at. When I reached him he was holding up a comic called Starfarer. "Have I ever told you how much I love this comic?" Lloyd asked. "No. In fact I have never heard of it" I told him.

Lloyd then went on this rant, saying how amazing it was and the whole life story of the character in the comic. It was kind of cute of how passionate he got when he was telling me about his favorite comic book.

As Lloyd went on, we heard the bell from the front door. "Lloyd, (y/n), time to go" Kai said. We ran up to him. "Can we get this Kai, please?" Lloyd begged. "Sorry buddy, we can't afford that at the moment" Kai told him. Lloyd had a disappointed look on his face as he went to go put the comic back.

Once Lloyd came back we went house hunting. We checked out a few places. Then the lady took us to this tiny place in Ninjago.

She opened the door to the building, it looked small and smelled funny. "This one bedroom, one half bath is a cozy dream. Who need extra when everything is in arms reach" the lady told us. 'This seems...promising' I thought to myself.

The lady turned to face us. "Now wait until you see the lighting" the lady said, sounding excited. She flipped a switch, the light flickered and then burnt out and then fell of the floor, shattering into pieces.

The lady walked in a little bit, everyone followed. "Uh, who needs lights when you have this view? Heh" she said as she pulled the blinds to reveal a brick wall.

Lloyd took a whiff of the air. "Uh, why do I smell old people?" Lloyd asked. 'That's the funny scent I was smelling' I thought to myself. "Look, doll, I'm trying to work around your budget. This is all you can afford" she scolded Lloyd.

I was about to tell her off, but Cole interrupted. "Uh, this looks...promising" Cole said. 'That's what I said' I told myself. "Remember, guys, Sensei told us our main objective is to train Lloyd and (y/n), not kick our feet up in some swanky suite" Cole started. "If this is all we can afford, this is all we can afford" told the others.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not rush into any decision. I mean, if it's really all about Lloyd and (y/n), don't you think we need to live some place that'll make training easier?" Jay questioned. "Yeah, Jays right. If we have to get Lloyd and (y/n) ready to save Ninjago from Garmadon, shouldn't they at least have their own rooms?" Kai asked. "Technically, that does not matter, they only—" Zane started, but Kai tapped him.

Jay looked over at the lady. "We're only thinking about the children. Ha, ha" Jay told the lady. She came around me to face Jay. "I do have another property that you'll just love" said the lady.

The lady then walked out the door, the others following them.


Once we reached the apartment the door slid open. "Cool!" I said with excitement. "Now, this is the eight-bedroom Hero Suite. Floor to ceiling windows, digital wall television, state-of-the-art game console..." the lady started. "Uh, it seems a little out of our price range" Cole told her. "Oh, sure it cost a little more, but you deserve it." The lady stated. "I forgot to mention, there's also a dragon keep on the roof" the lady told us. "Nice!" Jay said impressed.

True Prophesy (Lloyd x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora