The ping on his phone distracts him, and Shouyou takes the device from his pocket. It's a message from Kuroo, telling him he and Bokuto roped Akaashi into setting for them, and that if he wants to swing by the gym, he can go whenever.

Hinata smiles at the text. Kuroo is also one of his closest friends, he and Kenma. Hinata met Kuroo during his last year of middle school, when Bokuto introduced the two. At first, the middle blocker teased all the time, and he still does, but now that Shouyou knows he's also a dork and a good person behind all that devious comments, he's become a close friend. He met Kenma at a joint practice between Fukurodani and Nekoma during his first year. The two of them became instant friends, and Kuroo is still amazed of 'how much Kenma reacts in his presence, he's like a miracle worker'. Shouyou thinks he's overreacting.

Shouyou answers with a quick text that he'll finish unpacking and go down to the court in half an hour. Then, he takes a look at his room, still full of boxes and things laying around, and sighs. There's no way he'll finish in half an hour.

(He goes down to the court anyways.)

* * *

Since Shouyou has a volleyball scholarship, the first thing he has to do on his first day of class is go report himself to his new volleyball coach. Bokuto, always helpful, guides him to where their coach's office is, wishing him good luck and promising they'll meet up for lunch later. Then, he rushes down the hall, because unlike Shouyou he doesn't have a note that will excuse him from arriving late for his first class, and he promised Akaashi he would try not to get into too much trouble so early in the year.

His best friend is completely smitten.

But, that's nothing that concerns to Shouyou right now, since he has to go talk to his coach and all that. It's merely a formality, since he was scouted and isn't trying out, so he already has a guaranteed spot on the team. But formalities are still important, and impressions are too, so Shouyou takes a small breath and knocks on the door. When he hears a voice telling him to come in, he hesitantly opens the door, entering the office and closing behind him.

There are two people in the room. One of his coach, his mind immediately supplies, and the other one... he's the starting setter of the team. Oikawa Tooru is one of the best setters Shouyou has ever seen, and one of the only players recognized as a potential member for the National Team that never made it to Nationals during high school. It's a known secret, after all, that the coaches take their time during Nationals to scout for future players, so most of the National team has made it at least once to Nationals during high school. Oikawa is one of those few exceptions. He was scouted by several different universities after he finished school, and he's rumored to be on the sight of a few Division 1 teams in the V League. Nothing has been confirmed though, since he's still attending university, but for all Shouyou knows, the man could simply be waiting to finish his studies before joining a team full time. That's what he's planning to do, anyways, even if he did receive his own share of offers.

And he is staring. Staring is unpolite, stop it Shouyou, put yourself together!

Shouyou bows and introduces himself, hoping he wasn't staring for as long as he thinks he was. His coach, who introduces himself as Juyode Wanai, tells him to sit down, and Oikawa immediately takes over.

"Yahoo, Shou-chan!" Shouyou sputters at the nickname, that is definitely too familiar for someone he has just met, but doesn't say anything about it. "Bo-chan and Tetsu-chan talk a lot about you, it's nice to finally meet you!"

"A-Ah, likewise," he says, trying (and probably failing) not to sound too lame. "You must be Oikawa Tooru, right? The Captain?"

"Ohoho? You know who I am?" Oikawa's smile becomes a little bit more cocky, and his perfectly contoured brow raises elegantly. Shouyou would curse him if he hadn't looked so fucking hot.

Oihina Week 2020 Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now