"That's so rude of you" i said to him while pouting.

"Tch, i am older than you.. you should call me oppa don't disrespect me." Taehyun said.

"What do you mean you were just older for (Insert no.) Months!" I said while glaring at him.

"Exactly" he said

"Fine OppA" i said sarcastically

"Very well said" he said feeling satisfied

Movie ends

I didn't even realized that i fell asleep


I woke up while lookin around to nothing but when i got up i saw a sticky note on my nightstand.

I walked towards it then read the content.

                         If you had read this that          
        Means you are awake, you fell  
        Asleep suddenly maybe exhausted
        Because the day on the school but
         me and Hobak left already so that
         we can give you some privacy and
        Thanks for accompanying me      

                                     You're Savage Bro,


I didn't even felt that i was sleepy maybe taehyun was right that i was exhausted because of the School works.

Kai oh no.

What time is it.
Ohhh i thought i missed the time what a relief but still.

Let me just wash my face.
~Flashback ends~

Here i am walking through the Halls
Shivering from the cold as i tightened my grip around my body.

As i was still on a oversized white shirt and a baggy shorts.

I should've known that it can be this cold in here at night.

Oh here we are...

There i saw a man sitting on a garden bench i couldn't really able to see his face the fact that his back is facing me.

But i believe its kai.
As i continued walking inside the garden the man turns his head towards my direction.

"Glad that you're here" The man said
As i sat beside him

"Ye i'm sorry if i was a bit late i didn't realized that i slept after i watched a movie" I explained.

"Its fine-
Kai said


"About what you have said earlier, why did you invite me in here..? I asked him as i looked around out of nothing.

"You said that i should cope up with life right....?" Asked Kai.

"Yes, what about that?" I asked confused.

"I just..... realized you were right that i should move on and start a new life" He said while looking down but eventually looked up to meet my eyes.

"And i thank you for that" He said sincerely.

Then suddenly i felt a rush of sadness and joy at the same time.
Sadness because he went through a lot after her mother died.
Joy because my plan worked.
Then i didn't even realized a tear slipped out of my eyes slowly running down my cheeks out of joyness

Of course kai would notice it.
He stared at me with a confused at the same time worried face.

"Did i said somethin wrong..?" He said feeling worried.

"N-no i am just happy that you were okay now" I said smiling while waving my hands in front of me.

Before i could even speak i  flinched a bit when i suddenly felt an arm around my body hugging me tightly but i eventually hugged back.

"Thank you yuri for everything" He said while hugging me

"Welcome" I said as i tap his back signalling him to let go.

"Oh right s-sorry" Kai apologized while scratching his nape.

"No its fine" I said as i suddenly felt cold when kai let go of me making me grip my arms around my body.

You know what a part of me don't want to let him go earlier.

"Here" He said as he put his jacket around my body.

"Oh thank you" I thanked him

"Oh and by the way see ya tom. Go sleep now its late i am sorry i keep you up at this hour when you should've sleeping in your room by now" He said feeling shy.

"Its fine" i said as i was about to turn around i felt a hand gripped my wrist making me stop.

"What is i-
He pecked my forehead leaving on shock.

"Good night, go back to your room now its cold in here" He said

"O-oh okay, Good night too Kai" i said as i turned around and started walking away to go back to my room.

I brought my hand up to my forehead caressing the part which he pecked earlier making my whole face went red,, i took a one last glance at kai.. i saw him still sitting on the bench.

Wait kai's jacket! I should give it back
Wait he had just gave it to me a while ago... uhh should i give it back tomorrow then...?

Uhhh nvm.

I run back towards him again
"Uhh kai thanks for this but here i think you needed this the most" I thanked him

His back facing me.

"No its fine you can keep it" He replied while observing the garden.

"You sure..? Aren't you gonna stay here for a while won't you be cold..?" I asked him.

"I'm fine, i am just gonna stay for a while but not that long, now go ahead" He said.

"Ok sure" I said as i run back inside

Until i arrived outside my room
Opening the door letting myself inside then closing it back behind me.

I opened my lamp beside my King-sized bed then turning off the lights as i flopped myself on my bed.

Then i remembered the scene earlier making me squeal on my pillow while kicking my feet on the air.

Enough yuri he is your Step brother that's it periodt. You can't like him

I mentally noted that to myself.
Then drifted to Dreamland.

That's all for now

Thank you for reading..

Lots of Wuvs..

See y'all on the next chap.

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