Chapter 4

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Walking around the seaside. He has a picnic basket on his hand. There is a blue blanket further on the sand. He pointed there and we started running-

"You are not British, right?" When Harry asked me, I suddenly turned back to world.

"I came from Turkey. I don't know, you know there but I lived in İstanbul."

"I know! Niall always talks about we should go there! The foods are really good, why don't we go there? Why don't we perform in there?"

"He has point! The place which I taking you now cooks the best Turkish foods in London and I'm sure you'll like it either way!"

"Your name... Has a special meaning? Any English word for it?"


"Like a attire material?" Joking runs in Harry's blood!

"No, actually-"

"I got it, just kidding! What else about İstanbul?"

"Well, there is a great city to live. A little bit crowded but İstanbul has many beautiful and historical places so you don't mind how crowded there are. Espicially when you're driving on the Boğaziçi Bridge and see how beautiful sea is... There are so much thing to do/go. Islands, palaces... And weather... Moist air but for example the weather in İstanbul is about 25-26 degrees-"

Why was he looking at me like that? Did I talk to much?

"No, you didn't. I like it. Just, it was a little bit weird, that's all!" Damn thinking out loud!" I mean you're the first girl who didn't scream, try to hug me or take a photo with me! For Gods sake, we're going to have a lunch now and you're telling me about your country and you didn't scream at least one time! That's weird..."

"So is that good or bad?"

"Definitely good! Now, I am feeling like a normal person and that makes me feel great also!"

We started laughing. I couldn't believe we're getting along with eachother. I pointed him the restaurant which we were going to eat while people were staring at us. That's the place where we're gonna eat!

The only thing I could think about is I made the right decision! I could feel it when I looked at him.

He was talking with waiter for the table. I started looking up and down. His hat, his style, his tattoos...

I could made the best decision I've ever made!

Then I heard Harry's voice: "Table is ready!"

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