D.m x reader - pansy FUCKING parkinson

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"Don't cry, darling. Pansy doesn't deserve your tears."


Readers POV

I had just finished Potions, and you could say I had a 'small accident'. My face was covered in ash and I smelled of smoke. Embarrassing wasn't the word, but at least I wasn't the only one it happened to, Seamus made sure of that.

Walking down the corridors were even worse than class. Students cooed at me and even a Hufflepuff called me a dumb ass. This, coming from a Hufflepuff, surprised me to say the least, but it makes sense because I am the Slytherin outcast. You know, that person who just doesn't 'fit in' with the rest, but it wasn't always so bad, sure I was usually by myself in classes and occasionally picked on by other Slytherins, but other than that, no one really disturbed me.

But of course, due to my 'accident', Pansy fucking Parkinson and her gang were proudly walking directly towards me, sashaying down the courtyard corridor.

"Look who it is, little miss explosion." Pansy spat towards me, the rest of her posse laughing they're heads off.

"Shut it, Parkinson." I sneered, trying to push past her, but she pushed me right against a brick wall instead, with all her friends surrounding me.

"Not so quick, Y/L." Pansy pushed me further against the wall, occasionally glancing down at my necklace that sat perfectly between my collarbones. "What have we got here..."

Pansy placed the necklace pendant between her fingers, staring at the small dagger and silver snake which were entwined together.

"Finders keepers." Pansy snatched my necklace from my neck, pulling away from me as I tried to take it back.

"Give it back Parkinson!" I shouted, making it echo through the halls. I slipped down the wall, burying my head in my hands, sick of her bullshit.

Pansy crouched down in front of me and asked me sarcastically why she should give it back. I ignored her as my warm tears ran down my cheek, burning into my skin.

Pansy glanced around, her eyes landing on someone nearby.

"Oh, Draco!" she cooed, "Come help me with this will you!"

Pansy held out the necklace to Draco as he walked over towards the group of girls. He had such a bland expression on his face, i almost felt hopeful that he would help me. But that's Draco Malfoy we're talking about, that would never happen.

"What do you want, Parkinson." he sighed.

"Little Y/L here kindly gave me this necklace, help me put it on?"

Draco glared down at me as my teared filled eyes made contact with his grey ones. His expression slightly changed into a sympathetic look. Maybe he would help me.

He glanced back down at the necklace and reached out his hand for it. I was wrong, he wouldn't help me.

As soon as Draco had the necklace in his hand, I looked down at my lap, just before I felt a strong hand grasp  onto my arm and pull me up, forcing me to run.

Draco had pulled me up, leading me down the corridor quickly and I could hear Pansy's shrieking voice calling out for him angrily.

"W-what are you doing!" I asked as he continued to pull me down the corridor.

"Just shut up, I'm helping you!" Draco replied before pulling me to the end of the hallway and around a corner, backing me up against a wall.

He peered around the corner, checking if Pansy had followed and then Draco turned back to look at me.

"Here." Draco pulled my hand from my side and placed my necklace in the palm.

"T-thanks." I sniffled back a cry and felt Draco's hand against my cheek, wiping away a tear.

"Don't cry, darling. Pansy doesn't deserve your tears."

"Why did you help me?" I asked, looking up at him. I had to crane my neck, he was much much taller than me.

"Well, you could say it looked important to you, and you were crying, I can't handle it when girls cry. I suppose it's my weakness." Draco chuckled slightly.

"Huh. Uhm but yeah it is special to me. My mother gave it to me before she passed, I've worn it ever since." I looked at the pendant, memories of my mother rushing through my mind, another tear rolling down my cheek. "It's probably stupid to cry about it, but i don't know, it reminds me of her."

"Give me the necklace." Draco demanded.


"Give me the necklace and turn around."

"Oh." I turned to face the wall as he took the necklace from my hand. I felt Draco's cold hands brush against my shoulders as he pushed my hair to the side. He dangled the necklace over my face and positioned it between my collarbones before clipping it together.

"There you go." Draco stepped slightly away from me. I hesitated before turning back around, trying to hide the red flush on my cheeks. I looked at the necklace then to Draco, he was already staring at me. "And it's not stupid, my own mother gave me this ring here," he pointed at a flat silver ring sat upon his hand.

My lips stretched into a small smile,
"Um, thank you again." I thanked him while I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"No problem, Y/n." he said.

"First name basis now, hey?" I asked wondering why he'd softened up to me.

"Why not? See you later, Y/n." Draco walked off around the corner, probably off to face the wrath of Pansy so I don't have to, leaving me starstruck.

844 words :)

Thanks for reading! I really liked this one,  I hope you do too.

Please make sure to comment on mistakes I've made!

Thanks,                                                                                                                                                                                       -V *-.~ *

Draco Malfoy One Shots and FluffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora