Harry felt a lump form in his throat and, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth, fought back the cry that wanted to spill out. He knew it was coming; he knew that as soon as Dobby had left the Headmaster's office he was dead, but to hear it confirmed… Harry's stomach turned.

A long pause proceeded Professor Dumbledore's next request, allowing a deep silence to fill the room and time for Harry to regain his composure. His words came calm and precise, but there was no mistaking the hesitation.

"Severus, I need you to tell me what happened to Harry."

"I'm sure Potter has already told you," Snape said coldly.

"He has, "Dumbledore agreed. "But, I would like to hear it from you as well."

"And why is that?'

"The form of torture…"

"I did not choose the method of torture." The coldness in Snape's tone had turned suddenly to anger. "The Dark Lord was very specific on what he wanted. I had to find a way to prove my loyalty without bleeding the boy dry."

"And the choking?"

There was a sound of a chair clattering loudly to the floor and pounding footsteps. Harry took a chance and peered around into the office. Snape was standing by the door, arms crossed over his chest and a livid sneer darkening his face. The chair that he had been previously occupying was lying on its side in front of the Headmaster's desk.

"I left on your orders. I stood before the Dark Lord and received my punishment for not returning to him sooner because you told me to wait." The man brandished a finger at Dumbledore as if it were a weapon, his voice rising with his temper. "I tortured a twelve-year-old boy because you told me to convince him no matter the cost. And now you have the nerve to sit there and…"

The office door burst open cutting Snape's rant short as a breathless Professor McGonagall rushed into the room. Her cheeks were flushed and she set a withered hand atop her chest as if she could calm its rapid movements with just a touch.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster but the Minister is at the gates," she said quickly. Her eyes swept quickly from the overturned chair to Snape's red face, a look of suspicion knitting her brows.

Professor Dumbledore rose from his seat and quickly rounded the desk. Touching Mcgonagall's shoulder he addressed her first.

"Minerva, go meet Cornelius. Stall him for as long as possible," he said hastily.

In the bustle of orders, Harry let his attention shift to Snape who was still standing with his arms crossed, surveying the commotion breaking out in front of him. His black eyes flicked up, meeting Harry's with an icy glare. Hatred like nothing Harry had ever felt before bubbled up inside him and he bit his lip to keep from yelling. Snape, however, shook his head and looked away.

"Severus, we can finish this conversation later," Dumbledore said as Professor McGonagall hurried from the room.

"As you wish, Headmaster," said Snape with a hint of sarcasm. He swept his long black cloak behind him and followed after McGonagall.


Harry had been so focused on watching Snape leave that he hadn't realized Professor Dumbledore had spotted him in the doorway. He jumped slightly and turned his wide eyes to Dumbledore who had moved to assist him back to bed.

"Sorry, Professor. I heard voices," Harry began sheepishly but the old man waved him off.

"It's all right, Harry," he said softly and ushered him back under the covers. He swept to the other side of the bed and drew the hangings around with a rattle. "I need you to listen to me very closely now. Whatever you hear, whatever is said, I need you to stay completely still and silent in this bed. Do you understand?"

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