I laughed and nodded, "Alright I'll go."

The clock struck eight, signaling my leave. I seized my bag, said goodbye and raced towards the entrance. With a single glance behind, I left the carriage house and closed the door behind me. Yet the smile on my face vanished as I saw the person standing in front of me, with arms crossed and a devious grin.

-Ten minutes later-

You know it isn't going to be a good day when one has to choose between responsibilities or family.

"So, what do you say?" asked Nicolette, tapping her cherry red fingernails on the kitchenette counter, keenly staring at me whilst raising her plucked eyebrow, "Mia, I do not understand why you are thinking about it so, you do not have a choice. Your job as my employee is following my instructed orders. And I am instructing you to do this - Now!"

My cell phone began to vibrate on my bag. I needn't have to see to know who was on the other line. As nicely as I could muster, I spoke again, "Mrs. Moretto if you can just please ask someone whose actually working this evening. It's my day off and I need to -"

"You need to do as you are clearly told. Now that it is settled, Julian will be waiting for you on the front gate in two minutes!" I gave an exasperated sigh as she turned from me, the sound of her clicking heels disappearing as she flaunted down the long passage hallway. Shit.

Finding my phone buried at the very bottom of my messenger bag, I yanked it out groaning as I saw the red, light-emitting diode light flashing, informing me of the new unanswered missed calls. I dreaded pressing call back to that number, because it would mean hearing the constant question that always comes after the greeting, and the disappointed voice rolling of the elderly figure, or the small child behind the call after my answer. Clenching my hands, I dropped the phone back to its place and grabbed the black folder containing big amounts of heavy written paper. All the while, cursing at the new sudden trip I'm ordered to make.

Julian smiled apologetically at me, and led me towards the limo.


'Good evening McKenna. I presume you've completed the mission?'

'Valentino, there's no easy way to say this, but there has been a slight... mishap.'

'A mishap you say? I see, well my dear McKenna mishaps happen all the time...but of course not regarding my precious artifact. Am I correct?'

'Well, unfortunately yes. Reno and I... we followed orders and stuck with the plan at all times but - once we arrived, the security alarms and lasers were already disabled. We knew then and there something was off, so we followed the blueprints and when we got to the room, the glass was opened. I'm sorry boss but the jewel wasn't there.'

'You mean to tell me, an amateur already beat you to the job?'

'I - I, Sir this was no amateur. There were no broken glass, no fingerprints, not a trace left behind and no guards unconscious. I doubt it were Montana's men, they are not as clever. I asked Wade if he saw any suspicious movements, but besides the fair employees and clientele, everything was at its normal.'

'Listen to me McKenna, I need that artifact. I've searched decades for it and now that I've found it, no one will ruin -'

"Cut!" The cast groaned as the director yelled for the tenth time. Axel cursed under his breath as he anticipated and apprehended the harsh reprimand directed his way.

"Axel, what are you doing? I specifically asked you to go with the lines from the old copy of the script. If I wanted you to say the ones from the moderate copy, I'd act it out myself," Steve Schwatzy, the film director hissed. He had made unnecessary changes to the scenes, which no one bothered to let him know about. From the moment Axel step foot on set, Steve's been disparaging about how he should say the lines from the old script they had given him before the moderate version. But of course, he does not have that script with him, since he did not think he would ever need it. The old copy had mistakes, unnecessary scenes, yet here he is insisting on following the old script's scenes. Axel balled his gloved fists and barked at Steve.

"Steve, I've already told you I did not memorize the lines from that script. You told me to stick with the moderate and that is what I did," Axel glared.

"I don't care what you think. Now, refresh that memory of yours because we need to shoot this scene by today!"

Axel groaned, glaring daggers at Steve's retreating back. Since the second he was chose for the starring role of last year's Hollywood action film Moonlight Predator, he instantly despised the director - Steve. He spent those painfully nine months, mentally yearning for a lightning bolt to strike him. However, he was forced to hold back his insult since Steve is very much capable of firing anyone at the spot and Axel Moretto is not one to get fired or quit but to succeed. When he heard Steve would film yet another action production, his manager insisted him to audition for the starring role, "It would be great publicity," he said. After hours of persuading, Axel auditioned, and purposely failed. But to his misfortune, he was chose not as the protagonist, but main antagonist of the film. Now, he was forced to spend day and night with that prick, following his demanding orders.

Infuriately dialing his mother's phone number, he called. After the second ring she answered, "Yes son?"

"Mother, have you resolved matters with the script? I need it now, and Steve is doing nothing but push my damn buttons."

"Honey what have I told you about your temper? Do not think about doing something drastic, or we will hear about it on the paper and bad publicity is the least we need. And regarding your script, it is all taken care of, no need to worry."

"Axel, get back on set!" an exasperated voice called. Axel sighed, and after saying goodbye to Nicolette, he cut the call.

"Now, let's take it back from the beginning. Mission 7B, take ten. And, action!"

'Good evening McKenna, I presume you've -'


"Axel, someone is waiting for you at the door. Says it's important. You got five minutes, make them last." Axel gritted his teeth and left the set. Mother probably sent Winston to deliver the script. Good because I don't think I can take any more of his yelling.' Axel bellowed. He expected to see the grown man with his black and white uniform suit and pocket watch hanging, but he certainly did not expect seeing long, golden locks, creamy rosy cheeks, and a flushed face.

"You?" Axel pointed out as he halted in front of her small figurine. She finally met eyes with his and saw a hint of worry, desperation, and anger. She glared at him and cleared her throat.

"Good afternoon. I've been instructed to specifically hand this to you," she said, reaching into her bag and retrieving a black folder and placing it on his hand, "Now, if you'll excuse me I must head now. Good day and good luck with Valentino's lines," said the maid, nodding before turning towards the opposite direction. Axel stood with mouth agape and wide eyes. Before she had the chance of completely walking away from him, he took off after her - grasping her arm and flinching at the unexpected bare softness.


She turned and raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"

"How did you know about my character?" Axel asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and smirked, sending Axel into frenzy, "Just a guess. Mr. Moretto, I must really get going and I'm guessing you should head back to your scene. I hear the director is a piece of work. So if the Sir does not need anything else, I will leave now."

"Actually I do need something from you."

"And that is?"

Axel stepped forward, smirking at the way her breath hitched and how her mask of uncaring slipped away, "Thank you for delivering this to me. I will expect you to be in my bedroom this evening. We need to talk."

Her parted lips gasped, and deliberately stepped away, not minding the grasp Axel still had on her arm, "What - what are you saying?" she stuttered.

"Exactly what I am saying, Mia...you will be at my bedroom with no questions asked and wait for me there, without saying a word to anyone. If I do not see you, there will be big consequences."

"But - but I, it's my day off Axel. I wasn't going to stay at the house and - you, you can't - it's foolish."

"I tell you because I am your boss Mia. I will not repeat myself again. I don't care if it is your day off, do your business for now, but remember where you must be in the evening. Until later, and again thank you," Axel nodded, and sent a wink her way - walking away from her shocked form, smirking all the while. This will be fun, he thought.

Made for the Rich Boy -Temporarily On Hold for Editing-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora