The Revolutionary Battle of Sandersville- Heroes POV

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Now comes the actual story. Yay! Sorry for, like, 4 chapters with background story of setting up the story and telling powers and stuff. But, I guess that's totally on brand with me because I do that all the time.

Roman, Patton and Logan were walking into town together. Roman had just moved to town and Patton and Logan were showing him around. Patton and Logan each moved just a few houses down from Roman's new house. Logan and Patton had welcomed him and they had instantly become friends. Suddenly, a series of loud crashes and several screams rang through the air.

Patton and Logan shared a knowing look before Logan turned to Roman.

"Roman, take shelter. Go back to your house if nessecary. Stay safe, ok? Me and Patton will be back shortly." Logan said, and shared another look with Patton.

"Wait, why? Shouldn't you come with me? I want you guys to stay safe too!" Roman answered.

"Just trust us on this one, Ro. It'll be safer for you to go back to your house." Patton said, adding into the conversation.

"Fine." Roman said. He had another plan though.

Patton and Logan ran off in the direction of the screams, seemingly communicating with each other.

Roman ran in the direction of his house, so that if Patton and Logan were watching him, they'd think that he went to his house. Then, he turned back around and hid behind the rubble of a destroyed building. He watched as...wait. We're his eyes deceiving him? Patton and Logan had changed into...superheroes?! Roman couldn't believe it. They had kept a secret as big as that from him? Well, he could see why. They might not've known if he was trustworthy or not.

Suddenly, a large blast of something or other came towards Roman. He ducked out of the way quickly and started quickly running back towards his house. He hoped who or whatever had fired it at him wasn't following him.

When he got back into his house, he immediately looked through his room for something.

"Where is it... Where is it... Aha!" Roman said under his breath, exclaiming out loud in victory. He held up a sword that he had gotten a few years ago for his birthday. He went back outside, and saw a purle-caped figure in a mask waiting for him.

"Who are you?!" Roman asked, putting his sword forth slightly.

"Your worst nightmare." The man replied before jumping to attack Roman.

Roman attacked back, using his sword to block the man's attack.

Somewhere else in the city

Patton and Logan had just finished defeating the supervillain that had attacked the city. They knowingly looked at each other. To any bystander, it would look like they merely shared a glance, but I've r the years, they had learned to talk with their eyes. And this, this was a clear thought that they shared.

They needed to see if Roman was ok.

They both nodded and ran in the direction of Roman's house. They were almost there, when they heard something that made them stop dead in their tracks.


They looked at each other. They were both sharing the same thought.

The supervillain Anxiety is attacking Roman. We need to help him.

They both ran in the direction of Roman's house, and saw Roman using a sword to fight off the supervillain. Patton and Logan went quickly to help their friend.

Roman didn't know whether to be scared or impressed. This mysterious stranger was very good at dueling. He had been trained well, that much was obvious.

"Get away from our friend, meanie!" Patton said, and hit the purple caped attacker in the head with a rock.

The purple dressed attacker stumbled backwards. Roman took that opportunity to run back towards Logan, Patton trailing close behind him.

"You ok, kiddo?" Patton asked Roman.

"Yeah, I'm good. I got a few scratches maybe, but other than that, I'm good. Also, why did you call me kiddo?" Roman answered.

"1: Good and 2: It's just a habit of calling my close friends kiddo." Patton said, answering Roman's question.

"Ok. Anyway, do you have any clue of who that person was that attacked me?" Roman asked.

"I believe I have an idea, yes. In our town, there is a long history of supervillains and superheroes. It was most likely you were attacked by one of the current supervillains, as everyone in town, from experience, is very kind." Logan answered.

"No way. That's so cool! Superheroes and supervillains? Why didn't you tell me before?" Roman asked.

"It's kinda one of those things where you can't say anything until you know the other person's opinion on magic and powers." Patton answered.

"Also, Roman, I couldn't help but notice you were fighting with a sword earlier." Logan said, suspicion thick in his voice.

"Oh! Yeah, I got it a few years ago." Roman answered.

"Well, it is very cool." Logan said.

"Thanks. Anyway, I need to ask you guys something..." Roman responded.

"W-what do you need to ask?" Patton answered, stuttering a little bit.

"I heard something on the way to my house, and I turned around. When I did, I saw you guys go into a big ball of light, and when you came out, you were flying. I know it wasn't my eyes tricking me, because I stared for a few seconds and it was definitely real." Roman said. He was scared they were going to unfriend him. He hoped they didn't.

Patton and Logan looked at each other, having a conversation with their eyes.

"Roman, come with us. We have something to tell you." Logan said.

"O-ok?" Roman responded, his voice wavering with confusion.

A few minutes later, after Logan and Patton shared their secrets and demonstrated them

"That's so cool! I have a secret too, actually..." Roman said.

"You do?" Patton asked.

"Yeah, I can manipulate electricity." Roman answered. Patton looked confused.

"Um, what does that mean?" Patton asked slowly.

"So, basically, I can control electricity. I don't know how to explain it that well." Roman answered.

"Oh, that is very interesting. Since our secret is out... Would you like to join our superhero duo and make it a trio?" Logan asked. Roman immediately nodded.

"I'd love to!" Roman answered.

And from that day on, they were the greatest trio of superheroes in Sandersville.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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