Secrets Revealed (Chapter 11)

Start from the beginning

Katherine sat there, strapped to the uncomfortable wooden chair remembering all the happy times in her life. All those times had John in them; memories of waking up next to him, memories of the night before that they shared together, even memories of the fights they had. She smiled at the thought of them all. If there was one thing she was absolutely sure of it was John would find her and he wouldn't care who or what he would have to cross to find her.

"If you knew what was in store for you, you wouldn't be smiling." The unknown man said.

Those were the first words he had spoken to her.

"I'm smiling because my husband will find me and when he does, I bet dollars to doughnuts your guts will be laying on the floor." She stated while still smiling.

The man had fear in his eyes for a split second. Katherine smiled again at the fear in his eyes because her husband would tear down heaven and hell to get her back...


John sat in the backseat of the SUV with the comm link in one ear and an ear bud in the other. While he listened to one song over and over again, his finger caressed the trigger of the M-16 that was resting him in lap. He knew he would probably get a little trigger happy and he had no problem with that. This time when he would take a life, he wouldn't lose a wink of sleep. He just hoped God would show these men some mercy because he wouldn't when he got his hands on them. They didn't deserve his mercy anymore, especially Hobbs.

"Remember quick and easy. Stevens, you're lead." Jameson's voice sounded through the comm link.

"As soon as we get there, fade into the shadows." He continued.

John smiled at that remark. He was the best at that. He wouldn't be seen until he wanted someone to see him.

"Target one is in sight. Still waiting on target two." Another voice sounded.

John felt the adrenalin kick up again in his blood. It was almost show time and he would show no mercy to the men that were waiting. Hell was about to become a reality to Hobbs and his part and it was John that was leading the charge.

"Be advised, target two is approaching the rendezvous point."

Good, John thought. He pulled the ear bud out of his ear and rolled his neck; trying to loosen his tense muscles. A moment later the SUV came to a stop and before anything was said to him, he was lost in the shadows of the night.

John quietly stalked in the dark night, blending into every solid object he came across.  He was part of the night; just another creature of the night stalking his prey.

"Stevens, what's your location?" Jameson asked through the comm link.

John fought the urge to pull the damn thing out of his ear.

"Approaching rendezvous point on east side. I have to targets in sight." John whispered.

Maneuvering himself around the corner of the train depot, John saw two men guarding one of the doors. Since there wasn't so much as a street light around, he quietly crept his way over to the two. One of the men turned his back to him which gave him the perfect opportunity to sneak up behind him and wrap his arm around the man's neck to grab his chin. With his M-16 slung around to his back, he pulled his Glock from his leg and aimed it at the other man.

Before the men could say anything, John twisted the first man's neck, breaking it; only the sound of a little pop could be heard. The man crumpled to the ground. Man number two opened his mouth but John stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that. It would only give me another reason to kill you."

The man quickly closed his mouth.

"Now, you are going to tell me how many of you rats are crawling around here." John gave him a stern look but he was sure the man couldn't see it in the dark of the night.

The man didn't respond. John cocked the hammer back on his gun.

"You want to try again?"

"E-e-eight total." The man stuttered.

"Good." John said then hit the man across the head with the butt of his gun.

"East side door is clear." John whispered into the comm link.

"Roger, moving in."

Within seconds, team members were coming out of the shadows. As soon as everyone was in place and all the exits were covered, the team barged inside like they were about to face the devil himself, all the while showing no fear. Gunfire exploded all around but that didn't faze John in the slightest. His eyes were on his target and hell was about to be paid...

Secrets Revealed (Book 2 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now