Just One Taste Of Blood

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Izuku was walking home from a long day of school, but before you headed home he stopped by a supermarket so he can clinch that thirst of his, while walking in he gets a basket and head straight towards the meta aisle, while trying to look for some fresh meat he bumps into a familiar face and that was Bakugou's mom.


"Oh hey there Izuku!"


"Oh hi there Mrs. Bakugou."


"You don't have to call me Mrs. Bakugou you can just call me Mitsuki."


"Oh I'm sorry about that Mis-, I mean Mitsuki, how have you been."


"I've been doing very well but enough about me, look at you you've grown a bit taller since I last saw you but you still have that same baby face, hehe."


"Oh you really think so, my mom tells me the same thing, hehe.

Well chatting Mitsuki notice that he had a single steak in his basket.


"So are going to just buy yourself a single steak or are you going to get some more?"

Izuku had no answer for her question, he never thought that he would need to explain to anyone why he was buying a single raw steak, he tried thinking about something to make up but nothing would come up to get him out of that question.


"Umm... W-well I-I... Uhh-"


"It's ok you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, oh yeah I want to ask you if you would like to come over to our house and have dinner with us tonight?"


"N-no I couldn't intrude."


"Nonsense you won't be intruding I'm simply inviting you because it's been awhile since you had dinner at our place and I bet Katsuki and Masaru would love to see you having dinner with us again."

Izuku didn't really wanted to go to Kacchan's to have, but he couldn't decline Mitsuki's offer like that, so it takes her offer, after Izuku and Mitsuki finish shopping they walked to the Bakugou's household, while arriving Mitsuki went straight to the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone else.


"Hey Izuku do you mind helping me prepare dinner for everyone else in the kitchen?"


"No not at all."

Izuku obliges to Mitsuki request and begins to help her in the kitchen, Izuku Was preparing some chicken and Mitsuki was cutting some vegetables but certainly while she was doing that her hand slips and she cuts her finger which makes her start to bleed, Izuku turns around and sees her finger bleeding, and just seeing her finger bleeding he just wanted to grab her hand and suck the blood straight from her cut, but Mitsuki grabs a rag and wraps It around your finger, Izuku's there's kept getting stronger so he just left to the bathroom so he can get some distance away from her.


"Come on Izuku get a hold to yourself, I can't replay what happened 11 years ago."

Izuku then gets his sense back and leaves the restroom to continue helping Mitsuki prepare dinner, dinner was finally ready and it looked very delicious, Izuku and Mitsuki put out the dinner on the dining table and while they were doing that, Mr. Bakugou walks in.


"Wow something smells very good in here.


"Oh hello Mr. Bakugou.


"Well hello Izuku, I didn't know that you were here, it's nice to see you again."

Izuku, Mitsuki, and Masaru take a seat at the dining table but why did that the three of them hear the front door open and see Bakugou walk into the dining room and while he walked in his face turned to discuss from seeing Izuku sitting at the dinner table.


"What is that damn nerd doing here!?


"Katsuki whatever I told you about calling people names!"


"Forget about that just tell me why in the hell is that quirkless loser?"


"Well if you must know I invited him."


"If you invited him to dinner and I'll pass, the last thing I want is to have dinner with Deku the cannibal."

Bakugou then storms upstairs to his room to get as far away from Izuku.


"I'm sorry you had to hear that Izuku."


"I-it's okay."

Izuku then begin to eat dinner with Bakugou's mom and dad and chat about what has been going on in there life, after they finish the dinner Mitsuki prepared something for Izuku.


"That was really good thank you very much."


"I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I hope you still have room for something else I prepared for you."


"You didn't have to do that."


"Yeah I didn't have to but I wanted to, so close your eyes and open them when I tell you to."

Izuku waits for  his surprise meal from Mitsuki, Izuku here's a pleat set on the table and smell something very good but also familiar.


"Okay Izuku now."

Izuku opens his eyes and sees a cooked steak right in front of him and notices that cooked steak is the same steak that he bought and he was supposed to drink the blood of.


"I hope you like it, I cooked your steak well done for you to enjoy today."


"Th-thank you Mi-Mitsuki."

Izuku then eats the same steak that he was supposed to drain the blood, after that he thank Mitsuki for inviting him to dinner, he walked home alone knowing that he won't be quenching his thirst of blood tonight, oh while he was walking home he kept thinking about Mitsuki's bleeding finger and how sweet it smelled where he was standing, Izuku's mouth drooled from just the thought of it, but suddenly Izuku notices a cat rubbing against his legs, he picks up the cat and looks at it and thinks about all of the blood that is rushing through it right now, Izuku grabs it by the neck and tries to strangle it to death but the cat scratches his hand, Izuku then realized what he just tried to do and went straight home to try to figure out how to control himself.

~To be continued~

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