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(I think I will love maths)

He gave me a warm hug my heart almost jump out of my chest I felt my legs going numb.

The rain stopped after a while, I couldn't move or do anything. David waved at me but I'm too carried away to do anything.

“ Hello? Is the cold affecting your brain” he smiled and if not for my combined strength I would have faint.

“ Let's go na” he said and when I find my voice okay was all I can say.
I waved goodbye at him when we reach their flat and I have to walk to ours but all he does is nod his head. I think this guy is a lizard in his first life.

I live with my parents with no siblings at all you may think I'm spoilt but no my parents are strict. They believe I'm the only one they have so they have to give me the best.

David has a younger brother Sammy.
Sammy is a jovial boy and we were best friends. He knows I like his brother so he will always report which girl his brother is seeing and what they discussed together lol I have an informant.

Unlike David, he is not cold or arrogant or something, even though I'm older than him and we play together he doesn't see that as a way to disrespect me at all.

After eating my lunch which is always a bowl of garri or cornflakes I took my phone to Facebook before I start reading and luckily David is also online. I send him a hi but he didn't reply to me.

I just log out switch off my phone when he didn't reply to me.
No matter how I study maths I just can't understand it. When will I be looking someone's X when I don't know Y? I swear math is complicated. My love for maths ended when they started adding letters.

When I couldn't find the X I just close my textbook and notebook and I use it as a pillow.

Oh my, I slept for three hours? The maths teacher will blast the hell out of my head tomorrow so let me just do awkward to the answer he cannot kill me, please.

The next day David did not even wait for me so I have to walk to school alone.
As expected the maths teacher really freak out whatever who he epp? Freaking out as if math is the only subject in the world.

But I hate other students laughing at me especially that witch named Isabella who is trying to get closer to David at all costs. I wonder what they use to do together in physics and chemistry class sef when I'm not there or should I switch to science class?

Oh, I like the arts better at least I won't be calculating all the time. I don't have to worry sef I got Janelle watching my Dave for me.

Ring ring
We are going home again! Yeah! No maths assignment only literature and English assignments.

“ if you want I can help you in your maths” a voice which even if I'm in a trance or something I will recognize it said behind me. You might want to know who I'm talking about its no one but my Dave.

Math is bringing David and me together I think I will love maths.

To be continued…

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