We all looked at him and each other confused.

"You and Seungmin will be the swap outs." Chan says.

Still confused.

"So let's say Minho gets blocked out constantly. We would swap him for Seungmin, changing the techniques. If Felix can't block, we swap him with you. But also when one of the spikers, middle blockers and libero are in the back row, you guys will swap." Chan explains.

"Does that make sense?" He asks rubbing his neck as he scans our faces.

"So we swap out when blockers, spikers and libero are in the back row. And/or swap out when one player can't play." Seungmin says, shortening the explanation.

Chan smiles and nods. "Exactly. I want you two to at least be able to play during matches."

We all nod with his words and look at each other. We were all okay with the official line up.

Seungmin giving me a reassuring smile. Saying it was okay that I was in play.

I give a smile back. Letting him know I was going to do my best for him and me.

"Camp will be next month. So I'll send you guys home with a permission slip and all that good stuff. More details when the day comes. Got it?" Jake asks and we all give a "got it."

My first camp here in Australia. I wonder how good it will be.
I groan as I walk downstairs, duffle bag slunged around my shoulder.

It was currently 5:10 in the morning. We had to be in school in 20 minutes.

Chan, of course, offered to take me to school. He was already outside and waiting.

I lazily slip on my shoes and grab my bag again. I walked out the door and make sure to lock it.

I walk to Chan's car and enter in, placing the bag between my feet.

"Good morning!" Chan greets me all cheery.

I groan out a response to tired to comprehend anything.

He laughs and hands me a brown paper bag. I look at it and gently grab it.

"I had a feeling you didn't eat breakfast. So I made you my special egg and sausage sandwich." He says and soon starts to drive.

"Thanks." I mumble out and quickly dig into the bag.

It smelled amazing. It was still hot, steam coming out as I unwrap the aluminum foil.

I don't bother blowing it as I take a bite from it. I kept my mouth open and trying to blow out the hot air out of my mouth.

I then start to chew and enjoy the wonderful flavors.

"It's really good!" I say as I take another bite.

Chan smiles and points to a cup sitting on its holder.

"Some orange juice as well."

I grab it and chug the liquid down. It tasted homemade like.

I finish my breakfast. Thanking Chan for it.

We soon arrive at school and see Seungmin, Hyunjin and Minho waiting in the parking lot near a bus.

"Good morning everyone!" Chan greets out.

The three boys greeting back.

I give small waves to them which they returned.

We waited and chatted until everyone else arrived. Coach Jake coming over from the gym and to us.

"Great! Let's load the bus and start our drive." He says as he unlocks the bus and we all file in.

The couples sat with their significant other and Chan and I sat next to each other.

"I hope you don't mind teaching me some Korean along the way." He says as he pulls out a notebook.

I shake my head. "Course not. As long as you don't mind teaching me English."

He smiles at me and shakes his head as well.

We start our lesson. I taught him the correct pronunciation and vowels to use in sentences and words.

He taught me the same thing. With the addition of other words that sounded the same but were spelled differently and meant something else.

The drive was only 17 minutes. A short ride but we made the most of it as we helped each other learn.

"And that's how you write the word 'sorry'. Pronunciation needs a bit more work." I finish saying.

He nods with each word of mine. And then looks at me with a smile.

I never noticed how much he smiles. He was always so happy and cheery.

I liked that about him.

His pretty smile. Cute dimples. The way his eyes would shine as he spoke about something with so much passion.

I felt my heart start to beat rapidly. What the heck?

"Thanks Changbin. This really helped!" Chan says and starts to pack his pen and notebook away.

I nod and did the same thing.

"No problem. You're a good teacher. I understand English a bit more now." I compliment.

His cheeks turn a light pink.

"Oh well I'm glad!"

We arrived at the school we'll be having camp at. There were already other busses there.

"Alright guys. We're going to head to our sleeping quarters first and then get changed and warm up for our first match of the day." Jake yells out from the front of the bus.

We all nod and start to get out and follow Jake to where we will be sleeping for the next week.

Camp was going to be painful.
A/N disclaimer! I only know volleyball terms and gameplays by watching this anime, Haikyuu! And some volleyball clips.

So if I get something wrong, please kindly correct me, thank you!

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now