Max sighs. "This is ridiculous. They should've been back by now."

"I know right? Probably too busy making out." Eleven jokes, earning a laugh from Max.

"Hm, maybe we should leave. Give Mike some space." Lucas suggests.

Dustin nods. "Agreed." He gets up.

And with that, the four walk out of Mikes house, grabbing there bikes. Dustin notices Wills bike gone.

"Guys, I think he left." Dustin points out. "His bike isn't here."

"Oh yeah. Hopefully hes okay." Lucas sighs. "Arcade?"

"Sure! And this time I'll beat MadMax." Eleven says, smirking at the red head.

"Say less. Let's go." Max says zooming off the drive way with her bike. "Last one there is a demogorgan!"

And with that, they ride there bikes to the arcade.


The next day, Will was sick to his stomach. Well, that and he didn't wanna have to face Mike after yesterday's confrontations. So his mom let him stay home.

Meanwhile, the party all rode there bikes to school. Except for Mike. Mike was getting dressed, waiting for Jonathan and Will to come.

Jonathan arrived, walking inside. Mike walks downstairs expecting to see Will, and was surprised when he didn't.

"Jonathan, where's Will?" Mike asks as he watches him walk in.

"Oh, hes sick this morning. He said he didn't wanna come to school." Jonathan says, walking past him and up the stairs to Nancy's room.

"Oh-" he says, looking down at his feet. He decided he didn't want a ride and grabbed his backpack, put on his shoes and rode his bike to school by himself.

On the way there, he felt a little bit of emptiness in his stomache. Like there was something missing deep down inside. And that thing was Will.

Mike then remembered what he had said to Will yesterday. Suddenly his heart started to hurt. No wonder he doesn't wanna come to sschool. It's all his fault hes sick.

Mike did need a break from Will though. He knew that. Its like everything Will did drove Mike nuts.

He needed to apologize to Will. But not in person or hes gonna get that crazy feeling again. He really needed to apologize to Max too. No matter how much they couldn't stand each other, she was still his friend and still apart of the party. And he needed to treat her like she was.

Will was at home, lying in bed, staring at his ceiling. No matter how mad he was at Mike for being so rude, he could never hate his bestfriend.

But Mike's words floated around in Wills head.

Your the reason I can't think straight.

I can't look at you without feeling my heart burst.

Your my main problem.

I cant handle it.

Will's head started to hurt. He sighed, wishing he could see Mike right now.


Mike gets to school, walking in class late.

"Michael. Thank you for joining us today. Take a seat. We're still talking about the human body reactions." He flashes Mike a slight smile, as he sits down. "Since your here, how would the human body react in guilt?"

Mike sighed. "That's something I feeling right now Sir."

"Alright then. Then this won't be hard."

Mike fiddled with his hands. "The body would react in feeling bad, and trying to make up for what you did. Because it was either wrong or selfish."

Mike looks at Max and mouths the words, I'm sorry to her.

Max smiles a little. I forgive you, she mouths back.

Mike smiles looking back at Mr. Clarke. The teacher smiles. "Corret Michael. Hopefully you and friends work it out.

He turns around back to the board and starts writing new topic.


"I want you guys to write a project on how you and your partner would react to things. I expect to see differnt answers from each other. Everyone would react differnt."

Mr. Clarke looks around. "I'm gonna partner you guys up with the people you work best with. Eleven and Max. Lucas and Dustin, Mike and Will," He says, continuing to call names.

Mike sighed. So much for taking a break from Will.

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