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By the time Draco and Pansy reached the beach Harry and Hermione had already gotten onto a boat and Hermione was trying to teach a heavily frustrated Harry how to turn their boat on.

Looking out onto the shore you could see at least 10 smaller speed boats dotted around the ocean. Some people were joining together, two families peer boat and some were just going with their significant other (or in Ron and Ginnys case brother and sister).

Hermione looked up from her place kneeling at the stern and her soft brown eyes met Pansy's, widening in confusion. 

"What are you doing here?" The brunette girl said as the Slytherins reached their boat and attempted to get on.

"Can we not join our significant others on a boat trip," Pansy said, desperately trying to avoid the water as she struggled to get on, "a little help here ma amour?"

Hermiones brow furrowed but she helped her wife on the boat anyway as Draco hissed at the water like a disheveled cat. Harry was still attempting to figure out the controls and yelped when Draco appeared beside him with wide frenzied eyes and clutching onto his husbands arm.

Pansy threw a glance over her shoulder as she shrugged the small beach bag off her shoulder. The Weasley siblings had just emerged from the small cluster of trees and were making their way towards their own boat at the shore. Ginny caught Pansy's eyes and looked down her nose at the dark haired Slytherin before flouncing onto her boat.

"It's working!" Harry exclaimed as the motor started.

"Finally." Draco sighed from his seat at the bow.

"It would've worked faster if you had helped, your majesty." Harry said before bowing dramatically.

"Yeah well 'mr chosen one'-" Draco began before Pansy and Hermione pulled the lever launching them into the ocean at full speed causing Draco to fly off his seat into Harry's legs, both of them screamed while the girls laughed.


"I'm not going in."

"Why not."

"I hate the ocean."

"Then why'd you come on the boat then?"

Pansy sighed, "I really have no idea."

Hermione sat on the edge of the boat, Harry and already pushed Draco in and was keeping his husband from screaming like a scared cat. Hermione was currently trying to get her own wife in the water (perhaps later she would resort to force...)

"What if I show you why I love the ocean so much," Hermione said gently lifting Pansy chin up so her brown eyes met hazel, "Then will you stay in the water with me."

Pansy's eyes narrowed in thought but Hermione's eyes grew slightly and her pink lower lip was sticking out from under her two white front teeth and she relented.

"Fine, I'll give you 5 minutes." She said smiling at her wife.

Hermione clapped her hands together and instantly fell back into the water to Pansy's astonishment. She ran to edge of the boat and briefly caught a glimpse of Hermione's brown hair disappearing under the water.

"HERMIONE!" She shrieked instantly jumping in the water. She hadn't really thought this through had she.

Her body slipped into the cool azure water and for a moment it was overwhelming but then a warm arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her up to the surface. Hermione's laugh instantly reached her ears the moment her head went above the water.

"I thought you were dead." Pansy grumbled into her wife's neck.

"You really think I would leave you like that," Hermione said, "Thats a little too dramatic for my taste Pansy dearest."

Hermione let go of Pansy after she finally began to swim for herself and Hermione handed her. pair of swimming goggles.

"Put them on." Hermione said while she put her own over her eyes.

Pansy put them onto her eyes but before she could ask Hermione why, her wife had already slipped under the water again. She really had to stop doing that.

Pansy took a deep breath and went under. When she opened her eyes she wondered why she had hated the ocean. It was... breathtaking.

There were fish of hundreds of different colours swimming around the water, coming close to her face then swimming away and re joining their own family. Corals peaked out from under the sand and seaweed swayed under her body, tickling the soles of feet like feathers. Hermione was a distance away floating like an ethereal mermaid among the fish.

She caught Pansy's eyes and the two passed a look between the two of them that could've only meant.

'You are the most wonderful thing even among the rest fo these wonders.'

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