Chapter 2 - Cair Paravel

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We trekked through the ankle-length grass, looking at the ruins of stone around us. In some spots, there were broken staircases as well. They were just how you would expect ruins to be, covered with vines and having that generally old look to them. Fruit trees grew distantly from each other. Lucy was munching on an apple and Peter had walked up one of the staircases to get a better view. I was walking with Edmund, just exploring. The archaic remains looked beautiful, the sunlight glimpsing in through the branches of the trees.
"Wonder who lived here." Lucy thought out loud.
Susan stepped on something that made a clinking noise.
Picking it up, she said, "I think we did."
Edmund and I walked to her.
When we were close enough to see the object in Susan's hand, Edmund said, "Hey, that's mine. From my chess set."
I smiled, remembering the day Edmund had taught me to play chess. It was with the very same set.
I was pulled out of my thoughts, when Peter said, "Which chess set?"
"Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?"
I chuckled at his comment.
Lucy looked around and breathed out, "Can't be."

She ran to a clearing in the centre, the rest of us following her.
"Don't you see?" she pulled on Peter's arm.
"What?" he asked, just as confused as the rest of us.
She started positioning us in a line, "Imagine walls. And columns, there. And a glass roof."
My eyebrows straightened out as Peter voiced all of our thoughts, "Cair Paravel."


"Catapults." I said.
"What?" Peter asked.
"This didn't just happen." I explained, "Cair Paravel was attacked."
Peter and Edmund walked forward and pulled some vines out of the way, to find a rolling wall. They pushed it to the side, to reveal a large, but old wooden door. Peter easily broke through it and got it open in no time. He then used his pocket knife to rip out a strip from the bottom of his shirt. Edmund and I looked at each other, confused.
Once Peter had tied it around a piece of wood, he looked at Edmund, "Don't suppose you have any matches, do you?"
"No, but..." Edmund started digging through his satchel, "would this help?"
He held out a silver torch.
"You might have mentioned that a bit sooner!" Peter said.
I giggled.

Edmund led the way, holding his torch up.
"It's brand new." he told me, "Mum and Dad gave it to me for my birthday."
When we had walked down some stairs, Peter pushed open a gate and walked in. Instantly, memories came flooding back about our last time here in Narnia.
"I can't believe it!" I said, "It's all still here."
Lucy ran to her chest, while the rest of us took our time. They were positioned just like our thrones. Lucy and I on the extreme ends and Peter in the middle. Edmund next to me and Susan next to Lucy.

"I was so tall." said Lucy, holding up one of her dresses to her body.
"Well, you were older then." said Susan.
"As opposed to hundreds of years later, when you're younger." Edmund joked, wearing an old helmet that used to fit him.
Peter blew the dust off a gold plate which had a picture of Aslan engraved on it.
"What is it?" Lucy asked Susan.
"My horn. I must have left it on my saddle the day we went back." Susan said.
I turned to Peter, who was staring at the statue of himself, an unreadable expression on his face. He opened his chest and pulled out his sword, unsheathing it.
"When Aslan bares his teeth, winter meets it's death." Peter said.
"When he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again." Lucy finished.
Tears began to form in her eyes.
"Everyone we knew, Mr Tumnus and the Beavers. They're all gone."

We all looked at Peter.
"I think it's time we found out what's going on." he said.
Lucy just nodded.

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