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Third Person Pov

As the night went along, laughter are filled in that restaurant. Everybody are having the time of their lives. Some of them are drunk while some of them are sober. "maybe it's not a very good idea to drink tonight" Soobin said while watching his members laughing like a maniac "well i'm glad i didn't drink tonight" Taehyun said while recording Yeonjun and Beomgyu laughing over spilled water. "well girls do you need help with them?" Hueningkai asked while pointing at Lia, Yeji and Ryujin.

Soobin sighed and looked at his watch it's already 12am. "well guys it's getting late. Let's get the girls home first ok" The two only remaining members just nodded and stand up. The girls just laugh while watching their unnie drunk self.

Soobin tugged softly at Lia. Lia laugh and said "Binnie!! I missed you ya kno". Soobin smile at the girl and mumbled "cute" then Lia obviously heard that and hit him. "yah next time you called me cute say it to my face don't hide it" Soobin just nodded and asked "can you walk or you want me to carry you?"

"hmmm carry me Binnie" He chuckled then piggyback Lia while Taehyun and Chaeryeong are trying to carry Yeonjun and Yeji who is already passed out. Hueningkai and Yuna are taking a selfie. Soobin said "can you guys help them first?". The two maknae nodded and put their phone away.

After finished bringing the drunk members in the car, Yuna kiss Hueningkai at his cheek before bid goodbye and get in the car while Taehyun are talking to Chaeryeong who is actually the one who is driving since Lia is drunk. Ryujin suddenly wanted to get out from the car. Soobin quickly stop her and asked "where are you going?". She replied with a big smile on her face. "i wanna see Beomgyu now." Soobin push her gently back "umm Ryujin you can see him tomorrow you know.."

Ryujin looked at Soobin then busted out crying "no I WANT TO SEE BEOMGYU NOWWW". Then Lia hit Soobin arm. "owww what was that for?". Lia looked at him with a cute smile but then changed into a serious face then said "just let them see each other Binnie or i'm not gonna call you anymore"

Soobin sighed and said "ok fine let meet Beomgyu" Ryujin stop crying then start laughing excitedly while clapping "yay let see beommie now!!!" Soobin put her arm around his shoulder to help her walk to the other car where the boys are.

"BEOMMIE!!!" Ryujin yelled then Beomgyu came out from the car then quickly walk towards the duo. She let herself go from Soobin then hug her Beommie. Soobin was worried about them then Beomgyu said "it's ok hyung i'm kinda sober now".

Ryujin look at Beomgyu's eyes and said "i wanna cuddle with you tonight Beommie....can i please crash at your place?" Ryujin put her hands together while jumping a bit. Beomgyu chuckled and replied "of course but have you already told your members?". Ryujin shakes her head then said"it's ok Lia unnie is the one who let me meet you"

Beomgyu looked at Soobin for apporval and he just nodded. So everybody has gone their separate ways. The clock has already shown 12.55 am. As the boys arrived at their dorm. Taehyun immediately call Chaeryeong and ask if they arrived safely. Chaeryeong just said they are good and please make sure Ryujin come back tomorrow. Taehyun laughed and said "don't worry Beomgyu will take care of her." Chaeryeong yawn and said "i'm sleepy see you tomorrow Kang Taehyun.."

Taehyun smirk and say "see you tomorrow Kang Chaeryeong" making Chaeryeong blush and ended the call. Soobin have to dragged Yeonjun back in his room while Hueningkai are washing himself up. Beomgyu are carrying Ryujin to his room and lay down her on the bed gently before laying himself beside her. Ryujin immediately nuzzle her head on Beomgyu's chest while he puts his arm around her waist and bring her closer to him.

"hmmm i love you Beommie......" the girls mumbled then Beomgyu chuckles and kiss her forehead before saying " i love you too Ryu". Then silence slowly filling in the room. The only thing they can hearing is the sound of their own breathing. People may thought that they are sleeping but they are not. They just cuddle there and enjoy each others presence.

Ryujin suddenly pats Beomgyu's chest and he just hummed. She ask "beommie can you help me?....". He replied "of course ryu what do you want?". She ask him one more time again but this time it's clear that she is asking for a help. "...are you sure you can help me beommie?"

Hearing her like this making Beomgyu sick in the stomach. He whisper softly at the girl "of course ryu...." as he runs his hands along her short hair.

"then .....beommie ..can you make my heart ache gone and my mind clear?...i want us be together again"

The guy doesn't know what to response to that question but he replied

"baby you know that i can't make that happen...."His voice crack at the end of his answer.

Ryujin just smiled and let her tears come out from her eyes. Beomgyu also feeling hurt by his own answer but he isn't wrong. He knew himself couldn't make the one he loves forgot about her pain. Then Ryujin said "but why beommie you said that you'll be always be with me"

The girl said before sobbing quitely. Beomgyu hugs her even tighter and wipe her tears away. "i'm sorry ryu but i said that i'll always be behind you not beside you. You should find someone who is worthy to be beside you. Someone who you can lean on, depend on and who can make you feel happy and forgot the pain you're having."

She looked at his eyes. Beomgyu can feel his heart shatter in piece when he saw the girl's face. Her eyes are puffy, her nose is red and tears are flowing nonstop. Ryujin said "what if i want you to be that someone beommie?....." Beomgyu kiss her forehead before sadly admit himself.

"baby i barely keep myself stable" Then he kiss both of her eyes and said "i love you Ryujin. I wish i can be your someone and pulled in and tells you everything is alright but i'll know what i'm capable of and it will never gonna make you happy........."

Ryujin can't do anything but cry and listen to what Beomgyu wants to say. She was sobbing quite hard. Beomgyu is also hurt, it hurt so much that he can't cry about it.

"promise me beommie that when i turn back i can still run back to you..."

Beomgyu takes her hands and kiss it then replied "i promise you ryu....now go to sleep tomorrow i'll take you back home." The girl nodded and wiped her tears before kiss Beomgyu's cheek. "goodnight beommie". He grab her hand slowly then kiss it before saying.

"goodnight ryu"

why does it feel like goodbye forever?


Love songs - TXT X ITZYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora