Twenty - Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Not long." Bakugo shook his head slightly.

Jiro and Yaoyorozu sat on either side of Ren and inspected her. Yaoyorozu created a small round plaster and stuck it over the little needle hole in Ren's arm. "Thanks for keeping watch, Bakugo. We'll take it from here and get her cleaned up." Yaoyorozu said with a little nod.

Bakugo hesitated to let go of Ren but he did need a shower and to lay in an actual bed for a while. With a soft grumble, he peeled Ren away from his chest and stumbled to his feet. She watched him go with puffy eyes, red cheeks and a furrowed brow. He stared at her longingly for a few seconds before he pulled the door shut behind him.

Bakugo immediately headed for the showers before the morning rush hit. He let the hot water pour into his hair and fall against his face, hoping it would clear his mind of all worry for Ren. It didn't.

When he returned to his joint room with Kirishima, the redhead was already up and doing his morning stretches. "Hey man, you taking a break?" He asked him from his contorted position on the floor.

"She's awake." Bakugo answered plainly and ruffled through their small cupboard for some clean clothing.

"That's great!" Kirishima sang out and collapsed against the wooden floor from his lack of concentration. "Ouch." He grumbled and rubbed his hip.

"Yeah." Bakugo grimaced. His mind trailing off to the unspeakable things he wanted to do to Ren's father if the man was ever unlucky enough to come across Bakugo. The fear in her eyes stuck to him like glue. The always calm and collected Ren, the girl who even when losing control of her quirk played it off to be cool and powerful, fear didn't suit her perfect blue eyes.


Ren was spooning down some sweet rice porridge that Uraraka had made for her. The common area of the old house was in chaos with majority of the class getting ready to go out for Hero work, berating Ren with questions as they had their breakfast or readied their gear. Kirishima and Bakugo came down together, the redhead in his Red Riot gear and ready to head out.

Bakugo felt the need to wrap his arms over Ren, hide her from the prying eyes and intrusive questions but there were so many of the class there already, and they'd agreed to keep the blossoming relationship on the down-low. As far as the class (minus the three in the know) were concerned, Ren and Bakugo only had a mutual understanding of one another. His explanation for waiting by her side to wake up was payback for her pulling him out of the ocean after the Nomu sent him flying.

"Are you feeling okay?" Uraraka asked Ren leaning over the table and resting on her arms. "After the whole, needle incident?"

Ren nodded. "Yeah. Why did I have to have one anyway?"

"The nurse didn't want you to dehydrate, being unconscious for that long." Yaoyorozu explained as she handed a box of cereal to Jiro's expectant hands.

"For what? A day?" Ren chuckled. The chaos of the room went silent. Bakugo and Kirishima exchanged a glance as they poured their morning coffee. Ren looked around the quiet room at the frozen teens. "W-What?"

"Oh... Ren..." Uraraka mumbled.

"What?" Ren crinkled her brow. "What day is it?"

"It's Thursday." Yaoyorozu's bottom lip trembled as she broke the news to Ren. Ren dropped her spoon into her bowl, it landed in the rice porridge with a soft splat. Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly.

"F-four days?" Ren stammered. Her nails dug into the table instinctively, leaving a slight mark in the old and already dented wood.

"The nurse said you'd exhausted your quirks so much your body kinda shut down." Yaoyorozu explained. "You had fever for two nights, and then after that she was keeping you comfortable. We took shifts keeping an eye on you but Todoroki and Bakugo basically never left your side."

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