☆ Only the Beginning ☆

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Tina’s Pov:

Robert and I were looking for a very important book that we needed from Morgan. Just as I thought we could’ve actually beaten her, I got a message from Nico saying that Morgan had been coming. “Then you have to leave. I’ll find the book you told me about.” I remember looking at him and just thinking; Something bad is going to happen if I let him do this. Morgan would do the unimaginable if she found out I had even tried ruining her plans. So, I tried making him leave with me. Just to ensure both of our safety. But since he’s Robert, he made it really hard to convince him. His reasons why I should be the only one to go was because Morgan didn’t know that he was back to normal due to me secretly breaking the enchantment, and he believed that Morgan wouldn’t think anything of him being in there. I still didn’t want to let him stay, but I had no choice or else I would’ve been caught too. After our conversation, I kissed him and quickly left before anybody saw me. I walked back over to Nico, and I told her about the enchantment and how Robert was now the only one looking for the book. Her first reaction was the same as mine. She thought that Morgan would’ve caught him and killed him. Because of that, she ran off to go save him before I could stop her. I was then left alone, just worrying about both of them. I wanted to go help them but I knew that if everything was going well, which I was sure they were, then I would just make things worse. So, I stayed and waited for them to come back.

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