"um i don't mean to sound cocky but i'm gonna speak for all of us and say that we're probably gonna stay in the club." i stated.

no one said anything.

"i take everyone's silence as an agreement to my statement." i looked to the administrator for further comments.

"yes but what about your studies? you have to do well on entrance exams."

"i think that's a risk we're willing to take! we have to get to nationals through the spring tournament! this is our last chance with the team we have." i said sternly.

".....as you wish." i internally celebrated as we were excused from the office.

"wow y/n you know how to get what you want!" daichi said ruffling my hair.

"thanks i try i tr-" i suddenly felt light headed and started to stumble.

'great i'm gonna pass out again! ooo look now here's when we hit the floor...damn this is gonna hurt.'

with that i hit the floor and fell unconscious.


"y/n? y/n? wake up!" my eyes began to flutter open. i'm guessing i'm in the school infirmary.

i let out a groan as i rubbed my head then my eyes. 

"wow would you look at that, i must have teleported!" i said as i began to sit up.

"YOU JUST FELL OUT HOW ARE YOU MAKING JOKES?" asahi asked very concerned.

"eh there's no point in being sad and feeling bad about what happened if i'm alive right now." i said as i shrugged my shoulders. "but thank you guys for bringing me here."

"it's no problem as long as you're okay y/n." kiyoko said giving me a small smile.

"yeah you really had us worried. do you have like a health condition or something?" daichi asked. my body went stiff.

'ah shitttt we can't let them know. they'll just get more worried! it's not a health condition per say but we're fucking starving ourselves. we're so tired. they're gonna notice. ugh we're not acting normal. this is gonna end bad. not it won't i won't let it.'

"um no. maybe i'm just a little extra tired from my trip." i explained.

"oh okay well here's some water!" suga said handing me a water bottle.

"thank you! hey isn't it time for practice?" i said checking the time on my phone.

"well yeah but are you okay to go?" asahi asked me. i nodded and gave him a soft smile. i quickly got up and started walking with everyone to the gym.

"IM BACKKKK!" i yelled as i stepped into the gym.

"Y/N!" hinata, noya, and tanaka all said at once. they all started to charge at me. luckily daichi put his arms out and stopped them.

"thank you daichi." i said in a fake serious tone. he chuckled at my antics.

"alright...now where's tsukki?"

"HUH?" everyone in the gym gasped.

"you guys know i'm tsukki's favorite~ person" i said as i ran and gave him a hug. i looked up at him and gasped.

"tsukki is that a blush i see?!" i asked in a shocked tone. but it was short lived cause he pushed me away by my head.

"hey get off of me!" tsukki said as he continued trying to push me off.

"y/n come here!" keishin called out for me so i skipped over to him.

"yes? you needed me?"

"did you eat something today?"

"well duh!" i said lying through my teeth.

"you've gotten so bad at lying." keishin let out a sigh. "takeda saw you in the infirmary today."

my eyes widened at the statement.


"well? are you gonna say anything?"

"hold on i'm trying to think of a lie."

keishin let out a groan. "y/n come on now. don't do this aga-"

"i just wasn't hungry this morning, i'll get something to eat after school! i promise. just please don't tell my parents." i pleaded.

keishin let out a groan. he ended up excusing me. but only on the condition i let him watch me eat.

akaashi pov:

"should i actually do it?" i asked bokuto while my hands hovered over my phone.

"well duh do it! you won't know till you try."

i glanced back down at my phone. "but what if it goes wrong?"

"well you won't know unless you try!"

"i can't." i said bluntly.

"you can."

"i can't."

"yes you can!"

"no i can't."

"akaashi oh my god! give me your phone and let me do it then!"

"absolutely not! okay i'll do it."

i started typing out what i wanted to say. a lump starting to form in my throat. my hands started to get shakey.

"akaashi you know you have to hit send right?"

"obviously i know that bokuto!" my hand hovered over the send button. that is until bokuto shoved my hand causing the message to send.

i instantly dropped my phone on my bed and put my head in my hands.

"WHAT?! i was just helping the process move along!"

y/n pov:

'i can't believe he actually watched my eat!' i shook my head and giggled at the thought.


i pulled my phone out of my pocket.

'hmm akaashi messaged me!'


hey y/n do you wanna go on a date?

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