Hold me ( Gee x Reader )

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"OH G-Gosh" You yells as Gerard throws himself forward. He looked into your y/e/c eyes and smiled. "I love you." He whispered into your ear as you laid there stuck under him. "Gerard, get up. I can't breathe when you put all of your weight on me." You whines. Gerard looks at you with a puckered lip and puppy eyes. "Are you calling me fat, Y/N?" He asked. That always upset you because you loved Gerard so much, and you knew by now that he should know that. You pulled Gerard into your arms while kissing his head repeatedly. "Better?" You ask. "Better." Gerard says before gently kissing you. "Are you tired?" You ask him. He looks up and shakes his head no. "What do you want to do?" You ask.
He gives a devious smirk before saying "there is a lot I want to do!" You ran to the bedroom and turned the tv on.

After about an hour of love and affection, you and Gerard decided it was time to settle down and get ready for bed. "Gerard, stop!" You laugh while he stands behind you making faces while you both brush your teeth for bed. You turned around and grabbed Gerard's face before dazing into his lovely hazel eyes. "I love you." You whisper with a fascinated smile. He puts his lips to your ear and returns the words.

For hours you both laid there. No words, No actions, No glances. You were turned with your back against his, thinking of all of the beautiful things you love about Gerard. You began to wonder what goes on in his mind. "Y/N?" You jump to Gerards tone because you thought he was asleep. "Oh!" You yell. He silently giggles under his breath before apologizing for startling you. "It's okay." You inform him before asking what he needed.
"Can you hold me?" He asked in the most wanting tone.

You smirk a little and then scoot into him, putting your little arms around him, he lays his hands on top of yours. Before you could even fall asleep, you felt his heart beating on your hand and you smiled in comfort of your love, Gerard.

Authors note:

Sorry this one was short, this is my first fanfic, but I do request of all of them so please let me know who and what kind of fanfic you want! I didn't want to go too far without knowing what you guys want!

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