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yui's pov:

i teleport onto the couch in the dorms, I hear a flustered voice "um, uh, yui? do you mind not sitting on me..." oh my god! I was sitting on axle! "sorry about that" I say "we don't know each other well do we? can you teleport me, asuna, and yuki to your room? I wanna play truth or dare" axle says "sure, ok" I say as I teleport us to my dorm room "suki" I  levitate the book to me and yell "teleportation spells!" the book reply's with: "one or more people?" "more then one person/people" the book says: "how to cast: this spell is called gate, cast some ice-time-alpha-hybird magic and say 'gate' it should teleport all thinking about to you." alright, i'm going to try it! okay, alpha-ice-time-hybird "gate!" Asuna, yuki, and axle fell out of a purple hole in the air, "hey, what was that for?!" yuki yells, asuna looks at me angrily but axle cool with getting teleported. "calm  down, i was bored and wanted to play a game, any ideas?" i say to them all "first we should give each other nicknames" axle tells me as asuna and yuki both agree, "axle can be...axe?" i question yuki and asuna both liked the nickname. yuki speaks up "yui can be...yui" my names to hard for a nickname so we gave up, "yuki can be...kiki" i say everyone liked that nickname "can i be...suna, no luna?" asuna asked everyone loved that nickname. "now for the game!" luna says, axe says "lets play truth or dare!" "okay, cool with me, what about you guys?" i said. "hell yeah, we're in!" yuki says, axe starts the game by saying "yui, truth or dare?" i reply "dare" "teach us how to use our powers!" axe say proudly he finished his sentence by saying "please" okay, i will sort it out later" i say. we hear a bang at the window yuki screams out of fear and shock. i stand up and looked out the window and what i saw was terrifying...





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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