Cherry A Buttkiss Hall

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My dorm hall Cherry A Buttkiss Hall.
Yes Buttkiss. All the dorms were named after famous riders and so I had Cherry A Buttkiss.

I headed toward my toom which was room 203.
My parents were there with my laptop, desk, and all that stuff we need for school.
I had the key so they couldn't go in without me.
"So you got the key. I thought we lost it." Said Dad.
"Nope, sorry I had it."
I put the key in the lock and opened the door. It was spacious. Looks like Paige (my room mate) was out. Her dad brought some food like crackers, juice, and thats really all.

"Well this is a big room." Said mom.
"To bad Timo or Shalom cant see this. They would love it."
"Well you know Timo is at his soccer academy. And Shalom is the only home child."
"I know mom but bring Shalom to a few of my shows I would love to se-"
Dad interrupts.
"Well guys we have to get this done. We have to head home to Shalom. The babysitter said she will say for 9 hours so lets go."

After everything was set up, Paige showed up.
"HEY!!!!" I said
"OMG HEY!!!!"
"I couldn't wait to see you. I like the way you set it up. It looks amazing!"

(Pause, BTW Paige is crazy with cooking and fashion and loves to design. She lived in new york.")

After a little chatting time Mom and Dad had to leave.
I didn't want to think about that so I just thought about Azura.
I gave Mom and Dad a hug and said
Which means bye in german.
(Im German)

"Well we have time so lets watch something" said Paige.
"I brought the NCIS-la and NCIS dvds."
"OMG NO WAY!!!!! I love those shows!!"
"Well lets get going!"

After 3 hours of NCIS stuff we got hungry. Because Paige is a cook we made something. As in mac and cheese.

By the time we talked and watched more episodes it was 9:00 pm.
"Looks like bedtime to me." I said.
"Ya lets go to bed."
"K see ya tomorrow!!!"
"Good night!"

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