Darcey X Sero

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It was a bright sunny day at the roundhouse. Ivona and Darcey were at a crafting table outside watching over the kids. Ivona was looking around for something interesting. On the other hand Darcey was telling Ivona to pay attention. Ivona would whine and complain and Darcey would tell her to stop.

"I wish we got stuck at a fun table, like water balloons or something"

"Ivona! We have arts and crafts! Kids love those. Glitter glue and paper is very fun. Make a paper crown or something"

"Yeah I'm sure all the kids are rushing to our station when they've got water balloons"

The day went by slowly as only a few kids came by every so often. Most of the kids were their mutual friends. Except for one.

"Hi! Can I borrow your tape?"

An unfamiliar voice called. Darcey turned around.


Darcey greeted. They took a closer look at his features. He had pretty unique looking teeth, but they didn't mind it. In fact his smile was actually really cute. He was just overall really cute.

"So.... Can I borrow your tape?"

"Oh! Yeah right sorry"

Darcey handed over the tape and got to touch his hand slightly. It was warm and slightly sweaty. They cringed internally but smiled sweetly on the outside.

"I'll bring it back later!"

Two hours went by and Ivona was talking about her complicated relationship with Beyoncé. Darcey was half paying attention even though Ivona was revealing some vulnerable sides of herself when it comes to Beyoncé.

Eventually the boy came back and Darcey struck up a conversation with him.

"What did you do with the tape for two hours?"

"My friend Mina got married to a puddle that was slightly shaped like a young John Stamos"

"Why did you need tape though?"

"To make her dress"

Ivona was listening intently to the conversation that was happening before her. She could totally make a fanfiction out of this later.

"Oh! Right, I forgot to introduce myself"

He stuck out his hand for Darcey to shake. Darcey was hesitant, but they gladly accepted.

"The names Sero Hanta"

"That's a cool name, my names Darcey Ogle"

"Like Google?"

"God damn it"

They talked for a little while longer and only stopped when Ivona spoke up.

"Can we go home now?, it's like six pm"

Darcey looked at Ivona with an intense wide eyed look. However, Sero looks at his own watch and exclaimed.

"Oh crap! I'm missing the honey moon! Here's my number. Call me when you're really bored"

Everything happened so fast that Darcey only took the piece of tape he had written his number on. They looked over at Ivona who only shrugged.

"Wow what a cute guy for I am a straight girl in 2017"

"Sure you are Ivona"


"Let's just go home"

After around two days. Darcey was bored and Ivona was on a date with Finn from Adventure Time. She says "this proves I'm not gay". Darcey only rolled their eyes and decided to text Sero.

She didn't know what to text him so she went for the default.


The phone started to ring. Oh heck no. They decided to pick up.


Sero exclaimed happily. Darcey flushed up and stammered.

"Oh-oh yeah Huh-hi"

"I'm actually fighting this guy right now, but I can still talk"

"Well I was really bored and was wondering whether you wanted to get ice-cream together. I'll pay"

"Yeah just give me twenty minutes and an adress"

He hung up the phone and Darcey was dumbfounded. At least they had an ice-cream to look forward to. As well as seeing Sero again. He was pretty eccentric and cool.

An hour had passed and Sero came over with a cut on his left cheek. Darcey immediately got up and took out their handy industrial size first aid kit.

"I took life guard training, I can disinfect the wound"

"Calm down recovery girl"


"Well you haven't seen My hero academia yet because it is 2017 so you wouldn't know"

"Oh ok"

They bought ice-cream at Dairy queen and walked around the sea wall. They talked and walked for a couple of hours. At one point they leaned against the railing thing at the seawall. After a period of silence. Look at me using fancy words oh my goodness. Sero got in closer and lightly pushed back the hair on Darceys face.

He cupped it gently and leaned in. Darcey was completely frozen. His hands were rough and dry this time. Darcey could barely speak as they felt themselves getting very flustered.

"Darcey can I be honest?"

Darcey only nodded at his question.

"I'm not very social believe it or not. I'm actually more reserved when it comes to making friends. Maybe I wanted to get close to you because I didn't want to be just friends with you. Do you understand what I'm saying"

The sun began to set and all that cliché romance stuff I never thought I would write about. The seagulls were flying around not making any noise for once. The scenery could be described as perfect. However, the railing wasn't very clean so it's not as perfect. Also let's face it I'm writing this scene so it's not perfect. I guess that's what makes it kinda perfect in a way.

"I think I get what you're saying. But, explain it to me"

She leaned in closer to the point of their noses touching. Her heart was beating ridiculously fast as she bit her lip. Like they do in iffy Netflix originals series/movies. I'm looking at you "The Kissing Booth".

"I want to be yours Darcey Google. I want to do this everyday and do whatever couples do. I just want to be with you for however long you want. I'm giving you myself Darcey and I can't offer more than that"

The atmosphere got warmer as Darcey was now the one with sweaty palms. It was surreal in a way as they looked at Seros smile.

"I wanna be yours too Sero"

The anticipation was eating them both up inside as eventually Sero kissed them. I'm not going to give details about this part because we officially have the first kiss of the series.

You're lucky I didn't go with the original ending though.

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