Chapter 1~ ex-technically-not-ex-husband

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*Before we begin...Hi! I am Bro in hot tub #1, and I usually write for the BNHA One shot book, Dreams can come true and Following in his Footsteps, so yes, I usually write for BNHA, BUT as of this moment I'm not really feelin it, but I am feeling Haikyuu!!. ALSO this is based off of the movie Sweet Home Alabama cause I watched it last night and doing something similar with Kita was the first thing that came to mind. SO I hope you enjoy!*

*Beep Beep* *Beep Beep* *Bee-* Y/n snatched her arms back under the covers after she turned off her obnoxious alarm, unwillingly whining as she knew she had to get up. She slowly went over the events of last night, smiling as she felt the very nice diamond ring that sat on her left ring finger, smiling wider when she thought of her boyfriend-turned-fiancé who had just proposed the previous night. She took a deep breath in and out, readying herself before she rolled over and out of bed, feet landing on the semi cold carpet. She sleepily stumbled over to her dresser before picking out her usual work outfit

*Feel free to wear whatever, but it will work best for ~story purposes~ if it is fancier*

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

*Feel free to wear whatever, but it will work best for ~story purposes~ if it is fancier*

Before heading into the bathroom to finish getting ready. After she was dressed and her hair was done she walked over to her vanity, putting on her makeup and getting her accessories when she froze at a single piece of jewelry. Her wedding ring. She groaned as she realized just why she hadn't rushed to get out of bed this morning. And it had to do with the impromptu visit to Hyogo she was going to have to take. Why you may ask? To make her husband-but-not-really-husband sign the darn divorce papers she had been trying to get him to sign for...what was it? Five years now? She rolled her eyes as she shoved the ring to the back of her drawer, trying to clear her head so she could start her day on a...better note. Ah yes, her ex-but-not-really-ex-husband, Shinsuke Kita. He and Y/n had been madly in love since her first year of high school (His second year), and best friends since childhood. In fact, they had been SO madly in love, that they married right out of high school at the ripe old age of 18 & 19. Maybe not the best decision, and looking back it definitely caused some problems, but what could they say? They were in love! Her dad loved him, his grandmother loved her, and they loved each other! What more was there to it? Well her mom wasn't too fond of him but that's beside the point! Things had been going great, the perfect fairytale really, until they were just shy of two years of marriage when they just...drifted apart? They both became absorbed in their respective careers, and when Y/n had wanted to moveout of really caused some problems. At the time Kita's grandmother had been having health issues, so when Y/n said she was taking a job in Tokyo, both parties flipped out at the other, sharp words were said and Y/n...well Y/n left. She had tried getting him to sign the papers many, many times, but every time he simply sent the unsigned papers right back to her apartment. Which was more of a nuisance than a problem, but now that she was going to get married to someone was kind of a problem. Y/n shook her head as she left her bedroom, entering the kitchen and starting the coffee maker before grabbing a muffin and sitting down at the dining room table. Happily munching her blueberry muffin she hummed contentedly before sifting through the mail she had haphazardly thrown on the table. Tossing some bills and other items to the side, her eyes once again landed on the yellow folder she had seen several times within the past five years. She opened it slowly, a little flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe he had come around sat weakly in her heart but was crushed as he saw the empty line where he should have put his signature. But, this time there was a little yellow sticky note with a lovely little 'not happening' from the husband himself. Y/n groaned for the nth time that morning and frustratingly shoved the paper back into her folder, closing it and shoving it in her purse. Looks like she's going to Hyogo after all. Great. Don't get me wrong, its not like she hates her home gosh no! But she'd be lying if she said she wasn't too keen on going back there. For starters, it wasn't exactly the big exciting city she had come to know and love, but she knew as soon as he stepped foot into her home town, word would spread quickly. She sighed, knowing she'd have to make her rounds if she went home, visiting all of the sweet old ladies and any old friends that were still there. *Ding* She was broken out of her day dream by a notification from her phone. 'Love <3' Y/n smiled as she grabbed her phone and unlocked it, going to text messages to see what her beloved Fiancé had texted her. "Good morning love, I know I won't be able to see you today, but I just wanted you to know I love you." Y/n giggled as she typed back a reply, "Good morning love <3! I'm sorry I won't see you tonight but I'll miss you! I love you too~" Y/n let out a dreamy sigh as she stood up from the table, grabbed her purse and made her coffee, quickly slipping on her heels and leaving her apartment. She made her way down to her car, got in and drove to her work, or 'Tokyo Designs'. She parked in the parking garage and made her way inside, signing in at the front desk and making her way to her desk. She sat down and opened her lap top, checking her emails and such before "Y/NNNNNN" She looked up to see her good friend Hitoka running towards her "SHOW IT TO ME! I NEED TO SEE IT!" Y/n held a finger up to her lips and nodded her head to the twenty or so other workers in the room, Hitoka quickly hushed herself and apologized, the other workers just quietly laughed and smiled, shaking their heads at the young intern-turned designer they all treated like a little sister. Hitoka turned her attention back to Y/n, a big dorky smile on her face, "Soooo Where is it!" Y/n looked at her with an amused expression and raised eyebrow. "Where is what?" Hitoka rolled her eyes and pointed to her left hand, which was conveniently placed snuggly under her right hand. "Your engagement ring!" Y/n's face lit up as she slowly removed her hand, bringing it up to show it off. Hitoka's eyes practically had sparkles in them as she examined the ring. "Awww that's so cute! I remember when Tadashi proposed, I wish you guys all the happiness in the world!" Y/n smiled and gave her friend a quick hug. "Thanks Hitoka, that means a lot really. I know Keiji and I will be very happy." Oh yes, Keiji Akaashi. The man who had stolen her heart, and gladly given her his. Y/n met Akaashi about 3 years ago, and they started dating not long after that. Y/n and Akaashi were both madly in love with each other and couldn't wait to get married! Except that...they would have to because...uh...Y/n was still...well married. AND I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING 'WhAt Do YoU mEaN mArRiEd ShOuLd ShE eVeN Be DaTiNg?!?!' And the answer to that is no. B U T its not like she didn't try to get divorced! He just...wouldn't...sign the...papers. But after five years were they even still married? They never spoke beyond 'Hey, sign the darn paper' and the ever so persistent 'no <3'. So when the supposed man of her dreams came along she couldn't pass up the opportunity to be happy, especially when Akaashi treated her like a queen! And of course she had told Akaashi about her hus- she hadn't. So beyond not being able to divorce her ex-but-not-really-ex-husband, she also hadn't told her FIANCE about EVER being married so...oops? "Did Akaashi finally propose?" The two girls looked back to find their other co-worker and friend, Asahi, walking towards them. "He sure did." Y/n smiled as she lifted her hand once again, her hand being taken delicately by Asahi and the ring examined. "Woah, he sure spared no expense on the ring, it couldn't have been cheap. But it probably helps he's the mayor's son." Ohhh yes. And to top off all of your other problems, Akaashi's mother, your oh so lovely mother in law is the mayor of Tokyo. And, lets just say her and her son are N O T H I N G alike. Like, at all. Akaashi- er Keiji was polite, considerate, and sweet whereas his mother was conniving, selfish and cruel. Hence why Keiji wasn't very fond of her, and quite frankly neither were you. "Yeah, believe it or not, he actually went with a fairly simple one." They all looked back down to the silver metal band with a square shaped diamond on top with smaller diamonds lining the band. Asahi whistled "You and I have different definitions of 'simple' N/n (nickname)." Y/n laughed and nodded her head "Yeah, okay. I've seen your dress designs." Asahi chuckled as he held his hands up in defeat. Hitoka perked up and looked at Y/n. "Oh, hey N/n....what are you gonna do about..well...your husband?" She whispered the last part, and Y/n groaned. "I'm going to Hyogo after work today, Hopefully I'll be back tonight, at the latest tomorrow morning. And hopefully I'll be divorced...finally," Y/n sighed as Hitoka and Asahi nodded their heads. "Yeah I'm sorry that's taken so long...but...I'm also sorry it didn't work out." Y/n nodded "Yeah me too....BUT that's in the past now! I am now happily engaged and I will be happily divorced in no time! Now, we need to finish that line." The three determinedly nodded their heads and got to work. After many pricked fingers and too many cups of coffee, the three had finished and packed up for the day. After saying goodbye to her friends and off of the phone with her Fiancé she hopped in her car and started for the veerrry long drive to her very own home town. Hyogo.

Sweet Home Hyogoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن