act four ; building trust

Start from the beginning

Only to soon realise that there wasn't anyone.
"You don't need to fake that cat crap, I live alone. My parents died in a car crash four years ago, I've been taking care of myself ever since."

"Oh, is that so?" Kuro noticed the change in your mood. It's not like he's an inconsiderate devil yet he isn't a saint either. He won't further ruin your mood but at the same time, he won't comfort you anyway.

Blinking away the minimal tears threatening to spill underneath your eyelids, you pushed the idea of your parents' deaths away. Attempting to change the topic, you initiated the next conversation.
"So, do you have any idea where we can track that Shaman named Gojo? Itadori and Fushiguro is probably with him too."

"Hm, Gojo...Gojo Satoru...I think I've heard of him before." Kuro pressed his paws on his head in thought. "Rumored to be the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer in this current era. He's quite the popular one, I'm sure we can get some information about him on the web."

"Sure, hold on for a second." You trudged to your room. After a few seconds, you returned with a laptop in hand.
You placed the laptop down in front of Kuro and unlocked it.
"I'm quite starving so I'm going to cook myself lunch. You can do the investigating, right?"

Kuro rolled his eyes but fixed his cat posture to carry on with the internet search regardless.

"Do you want anything to eat, Kuro?"

"No. I'm a cursed spirit, not a human. I don't need food to survive."

Kuro's taps on the keyboard echoed in the empty house. You sneaked a glance to see that the end of one of its paws had transformed into a human hand, making it easier for him to type.

'So he's able to transform his body parts too...Is this not his true form?'

Even though you were busy with your thoughts, your nifty fingers never faltered from handling the ingredients in front of you. You effortlessly prepared your meal with ease. Soon after, the scrumptious aroma of freshly cooked fried rice wafted around the house.

Kuro's nose twitched slightly. You walked back towards where he sat with your meal in hand.
"Any luck?" You asked him.

Kuro shook his head. Truthfully, he was a little irritated that he didn't take up on your previous offer for food. He definitely does not need nourishments to survive, but there's no harm in eating.

Noticing how Kuro's eyes kept flickering to the plate of fried rice on your hands, you smirked in triumph. You gently poked his forehead.
"Y'know, you can just admit that you want some."

Of course, his pride wouldn't allow that.
"What the hell? I don't need your food."

"Geez, you're like an old man refusing to eat his medicine." Pulling out your left hand that you hid behind your back all this time, you revealed another plate of food. It was a juicy slice of chicken breast, garnished with a drizzle of honey.
"Here you go," You slid the plate to him. "This is your portion."

Kuro merely scoffed at the plate you presented to him.
"You really expect me to consume your nasty cooking?"

At that statement, an irk mark appeared on your forehead. Furiously grabbing your fork and spoon, you cut a small piece of his chicken and shoved it in his face. Using your free hand to firmly grip the cat's head, you forced his mouth open and pushed the spoonful of protein into his mouth.

"What the hec-" His words died down as he swallowed your food in shock. For a few seconds, Kuro was awkwardly silent. Bit by bit, you inwardly regretted your choice of forcing him to eat.
"Uh, look, I didn't know what got to me, I'm sorry,"

To your surprise, Kuro responded by bowing his head down to the plate of food. He began biting and chewing on his meal.
"Ah! You don't need to force yourself if you don't like it-!"

You tried to stop him from continuing eating before his soft tail lifted to gently wrap around your pinky finger. The gesture was subtle, but you acknowledged that it was a sign of consolation from him.
"S-Shut up, it's...surprisingly...good..."

A relieved smile made its way to your lips.
'Geez, what a tsundere.'

After your short lunch break, you proceeded to search the internet for any clues. There sure were a lot of articles focusing on Gojo Satoru but none of them publicly stated his current residency. That is until, a particular webpage caught your eye.

"Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College? Hm...This looks convincing."
Clicking the on the link using the cursor, you were brought to the college home page.

You tilted your head to the side as you aimlessly moved your cursor around the home page, desperate to find any information you need. Sure enough, there was a separate link with a header that piqued your interest. Not wanting to waste any more time, you clicked on the link detailed as 'Staff and Students'.

Following a short internet buffer is a page listing out the people involved within the college. You scrolled down with anticipation, hoping to find the man you're searching for.

At last, your efforts finally bore fruit.

"Kuro, wake up!" You shook the sleeping figure resting on your lap excitedly.
"I found him! Gojo Satoru!"

The startled feline immediately jumped up to eye the screen with you.
"What? He's a teacher?"

"Yep, it seems so."
As you continued scrolling down the page, you found out that Fushiguro was also a student attending the school. With a grin spreading across your face, you can feel the excitement building up inside your bones.

"Perfect. Now all we got to do is get you to become a student there too."

You brought a finger to your chin as you thought about the next move.
"How do we do that, though?"

"Don't sweat it. I'll be sure to put up a show when the time comes, whereas they have no choice but to accept you."
Kuro gave you a look with slight mischief glinting in his red hues. He took a glance to your window, watching the sun starting to set. The sky was a beautifully vivid orange.
"Take a rest, for now. You have a whole night to prepare your belongings. We'll ride to Tokyo on the Shinkansen as early as dusk tomorrow."

"Aye, captain!"
You gave a cheer in delight, feeling ecstatic.

'Itadori, Fushiguro, and Gojo-san too...I'll make all of you pay for leaving me behind!'
Slowly lowering your body, you layed flat on the cool tiled floor and stared at the ceiling. Kuro proceeded to climb on top of your lap to once again, rest his cat body too. Your hand gently gave Kuro a few body pats as he shut his eyes, enjoying the comfort.

'And lastly, Sukuna...I wonder what kind of person you really are...'

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