Chapter Six: Elena

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We stopped in a small town in New Mexico. We decided it was a good time to stock up on food.

"Grover and I will search the area," Zoe decided, "Thalia and Percy will grab some food for our journey. Bianca and Elena you two stay here."

I nodded but Bianca looked a little nervous to be stuck with me. Zoe and Grover rushed off, Thalia walked inside the store Percy followed after giving me a soft kiss. I turned to Bianca who didn't want to meet my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded, "yeah, completely fine."

"Liar, what's going on?"

She sighed, "You hate me, don't you?"

I gaped at her then sighed "No I don't hate you. I don't agree with what you did but I don't hate you. I never did."

"I've been taking care of Nico for as long as I can remember, I just wanted a break."

"You can't just bail on being a big sister, you know that right?"

She nodded, "Of course I know that, but I wanted to do something for me, for once in my life. I don't expect you to understand."

"You're right...I don't understand. I don't get how you can just abandon your own family. Bianca...listen to me. He's only ten years old, do you really want to give him trust issues, depression, and anxiety at such a young age?"

She shook her head, "He won't get those things."

"You don't know that. I have those things. I thought I was such a burden on my adoptive family when I was sick. On top of that I felt like I wasn't worth it because my real parents didn't want me. My mind was and still is my worst enemy, the only person who keeps me afloat and stable is Percy. He wasn't in my life until a couple years ago. For so long I felt alone and scared. You were Nico's anchor and you just left him. Do you have an idea how that makes him feel right now?"

Tears ran down her face as she shook her head, "It makes him feel alone, like he's just gonna drown in his own sadness. I went to him when I saw this very soul breaking and cracking beneath the surface. I became his anchor when you left him. Did you know he didn't know how to swim?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Well he doesn't but he told me that because he can confide in someone. That's me now, not you. I'm sorry for being harsh but that's how it needs to be when you do something like this. I understand you felt like he was your responsibility and you wanted to get away, but that's the job of a big sister. You protect those you love, no matter how boring or hard it is. You stick it out and don't drop it on someone else. What if I didn't go to him when he needed someone? Do you want to know what I think would've happened?"

She didn't answer, tears ran down her face more now, "I think he would've run off, and missed the ride to camp. He probably would've died out there if I didn't bring him back. Is that what you wanted then? For your little brother to die at the age of ten?"

"N-no." she sobbed out.

"Good that means you care. I just wish you cared enough to not abandon him."

By that time everyone had arrived. Zoe saw Bianca crying and stormed up to me, "What did you do?"

"I told her the truth, about what she did. Because you didn't want to because of your stupid hunting cult." I snarled and walked off.

"Don't...I'll go." a voice said. I heard walking pick up behind me. I sat down on a log and looked off into the woods. Someone sat down next to me, I turned and shock appeared on my face as I saw it was Thalia.

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