Bad ass

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As much as I got existed at the site of him, he was like a forbidden fruit that would lust you to eat because I have never seen such a handsome guy before even my ex is far inferior towards him. After a few minutes I went and offered him a drink he to it without any problem and asked a dance with me we went into the crowd and started dancing we got to have something that is too inferior to us because I was out of my control that I kissed his and he not only didn't got suprised but kissed me back very intensively, after that
I asked him his name
??: Hey baby I know what you want so why bother with the name just let your lust take the lead ...
Me: Ho but I can't I am not someone who is looking for a onenight stand .
As I said and walk away from him, what the hell did he take me as his property that can be used and disposed, noo way I am gonna give my virginity to a guy like that.( She didn't know the storm that is coming to her life was rather much erotic with him)

why am I like this when I am with u?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora