Expelled WHAT

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"Heyyyyyyyyy, What is your name?" A girl with pink skin and black eyes said as she stopped me from going into the bathroom stall "Y/N..... Y/N, L/N." You said shyly. "Cool! I'm Mina Ashido." She said loudly. She gets out of your way and you change into my gym clothes the top was tight but not uncomfortable you just hope not too much showed you hate being the center of attention.

when you were done you walked out of the girls changing room looking down at the fool and suddenly stopped see feet in front of you. looking up you see the boy with a bird head right in front of your face the both of your lips so close to touching. and you feel as you do not mind the thought of it, but then you suddenly remember where you are what is happening and you're situation in fact you remember it so fast that you try to jump backward but you jump forward pushing the boy and you down to the ground you open your eyes and see you were lying on top of him 

"oh my God I'm so so so sorry." You look down at his face to see a light blush and suddenly you feel your face start to get hot. You get up and help him up and turn to see all of the other students were staring at you. You turned and ran, ran as fast as you can. with your heart rate beating so loudly it hurts your head 'how in the hell am I going to make it through the day!'

(Tokoyami Pov)

(A/N) Dark Shadow is in bold wards. okay back to the story.)

I stood there in shock with what I know was a light blush on my face, 'should I go after her? No I don't even know her, how can I help her if I don't know her. but I feel like I should help her,' 

"Hey you ok?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts to see a green-haired boy with and censured face "u...um yea, I'm fine." I say and started to walk.

 As I walk I go back to my thoughts trying not to go to far in my head, remembering what happened how and natural her body felt on mine, how I wouldn't have minded pulling her closer to me, and how I'd love to feel..... I'm pulled from my thoughts yet again but a loud screeching voice in my head.

'BRO....... DID you see how cuteeeeee she was?'
'Of course I did but that's not the point dark shadow! We don't know her and it was an accident!'

'So what? You seemed to have liked it!'

'What are you squawking about?' 

 'ohhhhh nothing it just seems like I'm not the only little friend you've got right now!'

'what do you mean by that' and at that moment I realized I was a little bit more...... bothered then I thought 'oh shit this is going to be a lot harder than I thought' 

'it doesn't matter we can't like her we don't know her and this does not mean anything!'

'fine but your only lying to yourself!'

'OK That is enough dark shadow!'


"Bakugou." Mr. Aizawa said throwing a ball to him "you got first in the exam so.... throw the ball with your Quirk."

Bakugou walks into a cycle on the ground and yells "DIE..........." "705.2" Mr Aizawa said while holding a little phone thing  all the students started getting excited to be able to now get to use their quirks one student I don't know which yelled "it looks fun!" 

"it looks fun" huh? "you have three years to become Heroes. will you have an attitude like that the whole time? all right. Whoever comes in left and all eight test will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion." Mr Aizawa said we a scarey small on his face looking up to all the students. every single students faces dropped as they couldn't understand what they just heard  "welcome to the UA hero course" Mr Aizawa said with an evil smile

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