I sense trouble...

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Oh great, that guy fainted. Just when I was thinking to scare him off! I made my scythe disappeared and bent down. I poked the guy's feet and spitted on him. Why did I do that you ask? Well, I just felt like it. Deal with it.

Then a thought came across my mind, I can't really leave him here can I? It's late at night already, I sighed and took his cell phone and searched for his address in his cell phone, well...If he even saved anything like that in his phone.

After few minutes, I gave up and searched for his ID card. I shoved my hand in his pocket and pulled out the wallet. I opened the wallet and stole some money out. What? That was the payment for peeking over me and my servant just now!

I finally found his ID, I scanned the card for his address and used all my strength to pull him up from his lying stance. Gosh, he's very heavy! Okay, so he lived in Helenburg Street which should be a couple blocks from here. Odd. How he did ended up here?

I prop him up and carried him over my shoulder and walked to his house.

Along the way, I heard him saying stupid things like "I love pancakes" and "Where's my sauce?" and well, other stuffs about food. Suddenly I felt watery sticky liquids touched my hand and when I glanced at my hand, I saw drools. YUCK! I shrieked and nearly dropped him.

I ignored his drools that was still sticking on my hand and walked faster. Just then, it started to rain drizzly, Oh great! Can this day get any better?! Suddenly I saw a dim light up ahead and that's when I knew that I'm closer to my destination.

I past a few houses and finally, I stopped in front of a black and white terrace house. "This is his house alright, at least that's what in the address." I thought. I walked to his front door and let him down and stared at him.

This stupid guy... just jump into conclusion saying I don't know how important life is, that's not true! I do know life is important! That's why I help to extend that ignorant fool's life, he begged me to give him 2 more days to live and now this guy here told me I'm not cut out to be a Grim Reaper!! That's just harsh... well, there's no use to explain to him anyway because he's stupid.

I rang the doorbell 3 times and left the area...and before I leave I glanced slightly at the him.

"I have to keep a closer eye on him, I can't let him spilled whatever happened just now..."



I woke up and found myself lying on my bed in my room. What happened last night, was it a dream? I tried to stretch but that just made my whole body ached.

"MOM!" I yelled and waited for few minutes, mom didn't come in, no "What's wrong, honey?" and so on. I really hate my mom, she never cares about me and she irritates me.

I tried my best to get up, my whole body is aching badly, every inch of moving hurts. Well, I just have to resist then.  I slowly opened my door and slowly walked downstairs.

It took me like 10 minutes to finally step on the first floor. I walked to the kitchen and saw my mom sleeping on the table, holding her cell phone. i walked to the kitchen table and sat down.

 Oh yeah, I didn't tell you guys why I hate my mom. Well, when dad died last 2 years, mom was pretty sad and she would always visit his grave everyday but after few months, she began to online dating with other people and every time you see her come home all drunk, that means her date didn't end that well, she even hit and slap me for no apparent reasons. All I can do is wait for her to sleep and put her to bed which was really annoying and tiring.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2011 ⏰

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