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1: Uka Uka

1: Uka Uka

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Powers and Abilities

Uka Uka shares many of his brother's abilities, such as flight and the ability to protect his wearer. It is hinted in Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped that he can possess his wearer, as shown by Cortex's reaction to Uka Uka being removed from his face; this is more emphasized in the Japanese version of the game, in which Doctor Cortex and Uka Uka's seiyûs speak their lines together while Cortex is wearing Uka Uka. It would make sense that Uka Uka is able to "jack" and possess people akin to his brother Aku Aku's ability in Crash of the Titans and Crash: Mind over Mutant. Uka Uka's main offensive ability is a small energy volt which he often uses to punish Doctor Cortex. He can also create an artificial body out of matter or energy through physical contact, as shown in Crash Twinsanity and Crash of the Titans, in which Uka Uka assembles bodies out of ice and Wumpa Island's tree respectively. However, this body shares any weakness its components did; for example, his ice-body is vulnerable to fire.

2: N. Tropy


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Powers, Abilities and Weaknesses

N. Tropy is a highly intelligent engineer specializing in time travel. As such, he can create highly advanced devices such as the Time Twister and a steam powered Time Machine that he wears like armor. With his TimeStaff and Time Machine Suit, N. Tropy is capable of manipulating matter, shifting time and emitting energy waves. However, using these devices can greatly drain him, leaving him open to attack.

He Scepter

He Scepter

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3:General Grievous

3:General Grievous

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