Chapter 11: Obsession's Origin

Start from the beginning

???:"who are you missy?"

Koishi:"Koishi Komeiji, and you?"


???2:"Y/N! where are you!?"

I instinctively teleported behind a tree

Y/N:"oh no, miss Koishi? where are--?"

???:"oh, there you are little guy"

???2:"come with us!"

Y/N:"no! stay away!"

He started running with the others following from behind, i followed at some distance of them

???:"you can't keep running forever!"

Y/N:"neither can you!"

He took various turns through trees but the others were keeping up with him until he looked back and crashed with a tree

???:"now we got you small one"

Y/N:"s-stay away!"

???2:"or what?"

Koishi:"you heard him"

They looked at me

???:"another kid"

???2:"two for the price of one huh"

Koishi:"i said stay away from him"

???2:"or what?"

I made illusions of their worst memories and teleported behind Y/N to teleport us out of there

Koishi:"are you ok?"

Y/N:"are you a super hero?"

Koishi:"no i'm not, just a normal girl"

Y/N:"how can i do that?"

Koishi:"there's no real way for you to do that, now if you'll excuse me"

I tried to erase his memory, just to not be able to

Koishi: what? not even the kids were able to keep me from doing that...

Y/N:"miss Koishi?"

Koishi:"o-oh, nothing, where do you live?"


He started walking while i followed from behind, buildings and houses were more well made

Koishi:"technology sure improved since the last time i came here"

Y/N:"last time? i thought you lived here"

Koishi:"oh, i come from another land!"

Y/N:"Alice in Wonder Land you say?"

Koishi:"no, from a land called Gensokyo, Yukari sent me here..."

Y/N:"Yu...kari? who's that?"

Koishi:"long story, what's your complete name?"

Y/N:"Y/N L/N"

Koishi:"that's a cute name for a cutie like you~"

Y/N:"thank you! oh, we're here"

Infront of us was a small house and Y/N started walking at the door

Y/N:"thanks again miss Koishi!"

Koishi:"see you later!"

He closed the door 

Koishi:"i've never felt this in my whole time coming here... what is this?"

???:"to who were you talking?" a female voice was heard inside

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