
Meanwhile Shivaay was driving to office when at a stop sign, he saw a young couple cutely bickering.

"Baby, I didnt do anything." The boy said, following a furious looking girl.

"Yeah Yeah, you didnt do anything. I just imagined everything, happy?" The girl yelled, "Go and flirt with that waitress, don't come after me."

"God! Its just useless talking to you." The boy replies, now exasperated. Shivaay chuckled to himself as he remembered a similar incident with Anika.


"Shivaay why do you always have to sit close to Tia?"

"Are you serious Anika? Tia is our friend and I was sitting at a normal distance."

"Don't try to explain to me Shivaay. Tia is not just your friend, she is also your Ex girlfriend."

"You know what? Talking to you is useless! You're completly mad!"

*Flashback Ends*


Shivaay silently wiped his tears before continueing to drive. At the next stop sign he saw the Paav Bhaji stall that Anika loved to eat at.


"Anika, why are we here? The restaurant is that way."

"Shivaay, who eats Paav Bhaji at a restaurant? The Paav Bhaji from here is the best...just try it yourself."

"I don't know Anika..."

"Please Shivaay...for me?"

"This looks so oily and unhygenic."

"Everyone...literally everyone eats Paav Bhaji from these stalls only my khanji eyed Bhagad Billa doesn't. Fine....if you can't even do this much for me then leave it....lets just go to your stupid restaurant."

'Ok Ok Fine! You win, happy?" Shivaay finally gave in and ate the Paav Bhaji to make his wife happy.

*Flashback Ends*

Location: Dehli

"Meera! Where are you!" Alia walked into the house calling out for her boss and best friend.

"Right here. what's up?" Meera walked out of the kitchen.

"Got a reply. Both of us will be going to Mumbai tomorrow."


"Don't get so happy, they haven't said yes yet."

"Maybe not yet.....but they will." Meera smirked, "Nobody says no to Meera. Book the tickets."

"This partnership will be great for Oberoi Industries and its also important for us. I hope they agree."

"Meera Didi! Alia Didi!" A little girl came running in at that moment.

'Mishti! How are you! How was the Camp?" Alia asked as she hugged the little girl who was like a little sister to her.

"It was so much fun Alia Didi! I made so many new friends!" The super excited 6 year old jumped up and down.

'Mish....how many times have I told you to wash your hands and face when you come inside from playing.

"Sorry Didi!" Mishti quickly went to the washroom to clean herself an came back.

"Ok, now tell us. What happened at the camp?" Meera sat on the couch and pulle her sister onto her lap while Alia sat beside them.

"The teachers told us ghost stories at night....and there were arts and crafts and games and so much more!"

"Ghost stories? Weren't you scared?"

"Why would I get scared Didi? I'm your sister and you NEVER get scared." Mishti replied earnestly making Alia & Meera smile. "Everyone else was afraid....but not me!"

"Of course....our Mish is super brave." Alia replied.


"Alright...I've done all your packing." Meera's mom said, "How long will you be gone?"

"A few months...at least."

"If it were upto me, I would come with you but with Mishti's school and my job....I can't."

"I know Ma, I'll miss you alot."

"Ok listen, you need to tak care of yourself and eat in time. Over here, Im there to remind you but in Mumbai you and Alia will be living alone in a hotel so nobody is there to run after you." Meera's mom reminded with tears in her eyes.

"Ma, why are you crying?" Meera wiped the tears out of her mom's eyes, "Im just gong for work...not war!"

"Yeah yeah I know.....I am a mother after all, what can I do?"

"Ok you also take care of yourself, don't worry too much, sleep on time and working is fine but sometimes you need to relax."

"Look who's talking....the one who is such a workaholic herself. Am I the mom or are you?"

"You are my mom and I am yours. I'll call you every day Angel." Meera hugged her mom tightly.

*Note: Hope your guys are liking the story. pls dont forget to comment and let me know what you think.

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