Monica enters the Cafe in a hurry.

Monica:Guys!,Guys!.I just saw two people having sex in a car right outside.

Elizabeth:Uh Pheebs Grandmother just died.

Monica:Oh my God I'm so sorry.

Phoebe:It's okay.Actually y'know what it's kinda cool.Cause it's like y'know one life ends and another begins.

Monica:"To the guys".Not the way they're doing it.What,what happened?.How did she die?.

Phoebe:Well um okay we were in the market and she bent down to get some yogurt and she just never came back up again.

Joey:Pheebs I'm so sorry.

Phoebe:It was really sweet.The last thing she said to me was Okay dear you go get the eggs and I'm gonna get the yogurt and we'll meet at the checkout counter...And y'know what?.We will meet at the checkout counter.

   Two days later at Phoebe's Grandmother's memorial Phoebe is at the door welcoming people as we arrive.

Rachel:Hi sweetie.

Elizabeth:Hey how are you holding up?.

Joey:Hey Pheebs I'm so sorry.

Phoebe:"See's his bag".Hey y'know what?.My Grandma had the exact same bag.

Joey:Here I brought you some flowers.

Joey pulls them out of the bag.


Chandler:Pulling flowers out it makes the bag look a lot more masculine.

   An older man enters looking around and bumps into Chandler.

???:Oops I'm sorry.Excuse me.Is this the um the memorial?.

   I start to have flashbacks to my mother's memorial and I rush out of the Funeral Home feeling a panic attack...I see Chandler behind me.

Elizabeth:I'm such an idiot I should be in there with my sister by heart and I'm out here panicking because of a freaking flashback.

Chandler:She understands Liz...Lets get you back to Rachel and Monica's.

   I nod at my boyfriend feeling guilty...Later at Monica and Rachel's after the funeral everyone else has joined me and Chandler and Joey enters the apartment with his bag.

Joey:Hey.I'm off to my audition.How do I look?.

Rachel:Ah I think you look great.That bag is gonna get you that part.

Chandler:And a date with a man.

Joey:Y'know what?.Make fun all you want.This is a great bag okay?.And it's as handy as it is becoming.Now just because you don't understand something doesn't make it wrong.All right?.So from now on you guys are gonna have to get used to the fact that Joey."Pats the bag".Comes with a bag."Leaves".

Phoebe:All right I'd better go too.I have to go talk to my dad.

Elizabeth:Oh Pheebs what are you gonna say?.Are you gonna tell him who you are?.

Phoebe:Um no not at first cause I don't want to freak him out

Ross:Well but aren't you pissed at him?!.I mean this guy abandoned you.I gotta tell you if this were me this guy would be in some serious physical danger....I mean I-I-I'd walk in there and I'd be like Yo dad.You and me outside right now!....I kinda scared myself.

Monica:Well at least you scared someone.

Phoebe:Y'know it's funny you'd think I'd be angry.I mean you'd think I'd wanna rip his tiny little head off.Fortunately I'm past it.

Monica:Phoebe you do seem a little tense. Here let me help you.

Phoebe:All right.

   Phoebe goes over and tries to give Phoebe a massage.Phoebe yelps in pain and jumps away from her.

Phoebe:Oh.Get off,Ow!,Oh stop it!.Why?!. Why are you doing that to me?!.

Monica:What are you talking about?.

Phoebe:As a masseuse and a human I'm begging you never do that to anyone.

Monica:I give good massages!.

Me and Ross laughs.

Monica:I used to give them to Rachel all the time before she got allergic.And,and,and Dak loves them!.Watch!.

Monica starts giving Dakery a massage.

Phoebe:He,he does not like it.He hates it. He's in pain.

Monica:No he's not.

Dakery:"Wincing".Yes he is.


Dakery:I'm sorry but ow-owww-owww!.

Monica:You've been lying to me?.I can't believe you'd do that.

Ross:Well maybe he just didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Monica:But the minute we start to lie to each other…And by we I mean society.

Elizabeth:Um PB...Are you sure your okay?.

Phoebe:Yes EM I am.I know how loosing your mom was for you.

   Phoebe hugs me and i smile as I hug her back.

Elizabeth:Okay great.Good luck sister.


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