Celebs Takin' Over

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Splashed all over the media, a soaring tidal wave,

of false gods, the next big shots, telling us how to behave.

Every Tom, Dick and Harry talking bad, looking hard,

swearing the oath, a contract with Death, you've played your final card.

They're laughing at you, behind your backs, behind their curtained fame,

I've heard of a Highway Code but a 'Hair and Dress Code', now that's really lame.

Taking advantage of your naive, weak and innocent little mind,

'Resistance is futile' (as the Trekkies would say), becoming one of their kind.

A day in the life of a typical teenage, it's become a stereotypical bore,

Don't you feel even a tiny bit guilty? Family relationships turning red raw.

Yelling at the parents, claiming it's all the rage, the latest craze,

What on Earth are people our generation getting obsessed with these days?

If I can't have what Stefani's got and her Harajuku girls,

J-lo said she loved this in 'Heat' mag last week, go on then, give us a twirl.

Wining and groaning, screaming and shouting, until dad's so fed up he gives in,

You Madonnas and you Beckhams think you're clever, but not everyone lets you win!

Ok, so 9 in 10 teenagers are obsessed, believing your credibility,

Psychologists call it Celebrity Worship Syndrome, I call it stupidity.

See there are still some of us, a select few that can think for ourselves,

A small minority, listening to our own minds, choosing what WE want off the shelves.

Celebs are like Hitler, it seems to me like a similar fascist routine,

If you're not blonde haired, blue eyed then you're a monstrosity, simply obscene.

Only this time instead of being tortured like animals, murdered or gassed,

You're left out of their little fashion circle, left alone, a social outcast.

No wonder so many people are left outside wanting to die of shame, so depressed,

Teenagers and peer pressure, life can be so cruel, if you're not properly dressed.

So when you want to go shop for Nike or Puma, their latest snazzy pair,

Try thinking of the little ones in sweatshops, think of how it's really unfair.

For them to be exploited so that you can fit in the social crowd,

Does it make you feel better, can you shot out that you're proud?

Of wearing that pair of shoe, that t-shirt, that Britney Spears perfume,

When I see people like you I can't bear to be in the same room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2011 ⏰

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