6. Freaks

119 7 0

November 1942
"Going back to the orphanage so soon?" he said questioning her movement, "well do you have another idea?" her hair going over her shoulder as she turned to face him. He began walking the other direction and stopped to look back again as a sign for Madeline to follow him.

( Madeline's POV )

Normally if it were any other person I'd question where we were going but deep down, I had a feeling he would do no such thing as harm me, but I can't say the same for others. We were walking on the cobblestone road, the part of town that had more people, people whos eye's wouldn't leave us and if I made contact with them they still wouldn't look away, they looked at us with disgrace as if we were freaks but just as I was about to do something Tom had entangled his arm with mine "Don't fret they will get what they deserve one day, just not today. Come.".

I wasn't sure what he meant but once again I trusted him more than I have any other, for bloody sake I didn't even trust my own family or whatever was left. My mother died when I was very young and well my father is very much alive but is too cocky to even care for another person but himself and it is for that reason, he is not in any of my birth papers. I despise them both, both pure bloods but too weak to do anything.

My train of thought snapped back into place when we finally stopped walking, it was another book shop. "I'm not sure if you'll find whatever it is you are searching for but.." nothing else in that moment came to mind but happiness bringing my body to hug him, before he could respond I let go and went up the staircase revealing more books.

( Tom's POV )

She's like a kid going into candy shop not being able to decide where to search first, I can't quite put my finger on as to why I was relieved to see her the way she was, I was going to make sure nothing changed that, or I'd eliminate it before they'd get the chance. I stopped to take a look at the journals and the black one caught my eye but I've been too busy studying that I hadn't even gotten a job to earn money most of what I had went straight to my studies, as much as I needed and wanted to write down every idea that came into my head I couldn't not without thinking of the possibility I'd lose the peace of parchment in the end and for it to end up in the hands of someone who could reveal everything I have done.

( Third-Person POV )

Neither realized the way both looked at each other as the other looked away too focused on what was in front of them, about thirty minutes in the owner was about to say something to Madeline about how she had to buy the book to read it but Tom stopped him in his trail and said to leave her be or there would be consequences so the man let them be but was sure to charge everyone else who had entered the shop. They'd stay there for about an hour before Tom told her he'd take her somewhere else.

Cobblestone ground turned to green grass and the green grass turned to rock, it began to get windy and not far they could hear the ocean water hit against the rocks as the smell of salty waters and wet rocks surrounded them.

Little did Madeline know that the place had a specific purpose for Tom. "Follow me." he grabbed her hand leading her to walk on a rocky path on the side of the cliff. The way his masculine hands cupped hers as if she was so fragile that if he were to hold it any tighter her hand would break. "Careful, watch your step" with every step taken little pebbles would fall down to the side into the ocean where they were sure to be lost deep down into the waters. The path stopped at a crack in the cliff, a cave so dark and cold, when entering Madeline analyzed the cracks and crevices of the wall.

"Is this where you murder me?" she looked at him with a serious face leaving him shocked, just when he was about to question her, she burst out laughing "Oh you should have seen your face, although it would be a good place to do so wouldn't you say?" she made eye contact, with him once again after controlling her laughter. He was quite puzzled by her actions "Why aren't you running away then? I mean you know what I'm capable of.".

It was pretty obvious if he wanted to hurt her, he would've done it already and she was right he didn't want to kill her, "I trust you...". After she said that they both left the cave as if nothing happened. No one could understand them but then again how could they with everything both had gone through, they weren't going to let their past shape them, no they were each their own person with wicked minds.

( A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter and make sure to like and comment and if I've made any mistake please feel free to tell me <3 )

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