The Back Story Of The Dovakin

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Starlight was not a normal elf. When Starlight was born, they didn't have a gender. When Starlight was born, they didn't have a regular skin color like most elf's. There skin color was a pale pink and red color. There hair was also not normal, it was blue. They had pink eye's that shifted color depending on the emotions they show. Starlight was a mixed between four race's. Human Impearial, wood elf, high elf, and dark elfs. There fathers, was stunned by news of there child.

The child, was not normal. The others heard about it and were also shocked by the news. Three, Royal family's of the elves had no idea what to make of it. The mother died giving birth, yes, but that was not the shocking part. A pink elf. None of that was ever heard of. Not in Morrowind, not in Cyrodiil, Skyrim, tamreal even. A pink elf with blue hair and color changing eye's. Yes, not normal indeed.

Texmare, the Dunmer, Senix, the Altmer, and Brexta, the Bosmer, all sat in the rooms with there son's, staring at the child. The infant did not move, the infant did not cry, the infant did however looked afraid. Scared even. There eyes were now orange. Texmare, tried to pick up the infant but it pulled his long black hair, so he sat it down. The baby looked upset when being put down. "What do we name it?" Brexta asked looking at the other two. His Brownish blond long hair in a ponytail in the back and loose hair on both sides of his head. He wore expinsive brown robes that was fit for a wood elf. His eye's were brown, like chocolate and his skin was a light brown and tan. Very muscular as well

Senix, a high elf, air expensive robe that was green. His blond hair was long and was put in a bun exept for his bangs in the front. He had yellow eyes. Also muscular. He had yellowish skin. "I don't know." Senix responded. Texmare, with dark skin, long black hair, red eye's, in a expinsive black robe, muscular, was just staring at baby.

"Starlight..." He said. The rest looked at the baby and nodded. Starlight was a perfect name. The son's in the Royal family walked out as did the father's, leaving Starlight alone with maids to take care of it. The maids were stunned by the action of the father's. They never did that before. So what made it so different with this child? Some of the maids didn't like child either just because it looked different. Even some the servants in the house didn't take a liking to it. It was indeed odd.

At the age of six, Starlight was able to conjure magic like it was nothing. It was impressive at there age. Texmare, Senix, and Brexta, didn't complement the child. Neither did there siblings, Axel and Asmera, Dunmer race,  both muscular, red eyes, long black hair, and the same hight. Zenji, Derka, and Calamity, have the same hair, blond, hight, race, Altmer, eye's yellow, and body almost. And lastly Qumora, Hajika and Vikna, same thing.

"Sir's. Your... Child, did a very high magic skill. And they did it at such a young age." Said a Dunmer servant. "Yes. They did a good job. Nothing special." Brexta said uninterested and continued his work that was on the desk. The servant sighed, bowed, and walked away.

At the age seven, Starlight would get into trouble a lot around the house, resulting in their fathers and siblings scolding them. Even when they didn't mean to do it or try to. Most of servants did as well.

At age nine, Starlight had gotten beaten by stranger and was left in the street at night to die. He left home after A fight with his father, Texmare and stormed off. He got in A fight with an older male which got him betten in the first place. A male guard found them lying in the street in a puddle of rain water. Seeing he was young, he picked up the child and healed it. "Strange... An elf with pink skin and blue hair." He said.

Starlight woke up and covered there face. "Relax kid. I'm not going to hurt you." He said. They put down there arms and stared at guard. They realized his race was an Orc city guard. "Now why are you out here?" He asked. "I... I got into a fight with, father." The man nodded understanding.

"Where do you live? What's your name?" Starlight pointed in the direction and said the name of the place and told him there name. "That's why your name sounded familiar. You cause a lot of trouble for us gaurds you know." He headed twords the house to drop off the child and knocked on the door and a servant answered the door. A Dunmer.

"Young master making trouble again." It wasn't a question, he stated it as a fact. "No. I found them in the street lying battered nearly dead. If I hadn't of healed them that is." He explained. "I see. I apologize. Come along young master. It's way past your bed time." The servant said. Grabbing there hand and headed in side and shuted the door and locked it. Leaving the gaurd stand there confused.

At the age of eleven, Starlight ran away. Morrowind is a dangerous place for a child to wonder off. They got into a fight with there father's again. They left at night and was reported missing a day later when they didn't show up late afternoon. The whole household was literally in chaos. One blaming the other and so on. Some of the servant's had decided to speak up on how the child was treated at dinner. "Don't tell me how to raise my children!" "Sir's, if I may, you treated the child like dirt for no reason. And some of the servants hated the child for no reason." A female high elf servant said.

"We had not treated the child-" "Yes, you did. You never spend any time with them, never even complimented the child not even once. Let alone did nothing other than to scold the child. You also never held them, play with them, nothing." She said. "If you ask me, the child had a reason to leave. If the child didn't get kidnapped." Then she added something that broke the entire heart of everyone in the room. "No one in this house- excuse me for speaking out line- gave a god damn shit about the child, let alone it being alive! One gaurd came to this mansion in the middle of the night with them all bruised up because he got beaten, battered, and broken up by a some stranger and if he hadn't of found him and healed them, they be DEAD right now!

An eleven year old is out and about with no place to go! The child had tried to kill themselves more than once already! And what do you do? Nothing! You treated them differently because of how they looked!" She huffed and crossed her arms. "If you really loved this child. Your child would not have left." The three father's broken down and cried. The all hung there heads in shame. Starlight was gone. Gone for good. And it was there fault.

The Dragon Born Mixed Elf-Imperialحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن