• 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐨 •

Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh nothin', just that Riley keeps shit talking her, streets are sayin' he dogs her out behind her back, I dunno the details, but he says some mean ass shit about her, her looks, her personality... I'm surprised they're still friends" she then smirked "well, at least, she thinks they are"

Emily froze a little bit, before snorting "yeah right, all you do is cap, you expect me to believe that shit?"

The other girl sighed "well, answer this, is Riley a nice person?"

"Yeah! He's a cool guy-"

"Lemme rephrase it then, is he nice to other people?"

Emily paused, well, Riley wasn't exactly a bad person, but he wasn't that nice to others, but that still wasn't enough to make her think he would say those kind of things, about Fatima no less. So the lightskin girl frowned, crossing her arms.

"Like I said, all you do is cap, you not gon' trick me, get the fuck on somewhere"

Rachel scoffed "aight, but when Fartima gets her feelings hurt don't say I didn't warn you"

"What did I say about calling her that you dirty lil'-"


The two girls looked forward to see their Math teacher waiting for them, they both looked away from each other, with Emily resting her head back on the table. There was no way in hell she was going to believe squat that came out of Rachel's overused mouth, but she still couldn't help but feel angry at the thought of Riley shit talking Fatima. Sure, it probably wasn't true since it was Rachel saying it, but that didn't change the fact that if it WERE true, she wasn't going to let it slide.

As her best friend, Emily made it her unofficial duty to protect and defend Fatima, sure, she was perfectly capable of defending herself, but she didn't care, Fatima never did anything to anyone to deserve people talking bad about her or trying to do bad to her, so even though she didn't believe for a second that it was true, she still made sure that from then on, she'd keep an eye on him.

Soon, Math finally ended, and once that had happened, Emily was quick to leave the classroom as quickly as she could. That conversation with Rachel had indirectly ruined her afternoon by putting her in a shitty mood, so much so that she hadn't noticed she had walked right passed Riley and Kumal, who were talking about his own conversation with Rachel.

"So she told you that Tima not trynna mess wit' you? And she lookin' at Rob of all people? Yeah, she lyin' to you" Kumal shrugged.

"I mean, yeah, but still. . . Ion know if I wanna tell her yet, but I'm trynna keep her on the market before I decide"

"So you on yo Kiren shit, bet, want us to jump him?" Kumal said, chuckling when he saw Riley's annoyed facial expression "I'm just playin' wit' you homie!"

As they walked, Kumal noticed Riley's perplexed expression "don't tell me you actually let that broad get in yo mind, you know she a pathological liar right? Fatima too nice to cut you off and talk about you behind yo back, plus ROB my guy? That dude smell like baby dookie, Tima ain't gon' want him I promise you"

Riley couldn't help but let out a laugh at that, Rob did have a reputation of being on the mustier side of things, so maybe Fatima wasn't interested.

He didn't want to tell her about how he felt just yet, he was still getting used to it after all, and plus, though they were getting closer, he didn't think he and Fatima were close enough for him to just lay it on her like that. It wasn't like they were third years, they had two years of middle school before they left for different high school, he had time to get his feelings all together before he did all of that. So he wouldn't tell her yet, but he preferred her not dating these dusty Tigerlily niggas before he did.

ᴘᴇʀsᴘᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ;; 𝘉𝘖𝘖𝘕𝘋𝘖𝘊𝘒𝘚Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora